
Can anybody tell me how many abortions Hillary had during her big time career?

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Can anybody tell me how many abortions Hillary had during her big time career?




  1. I think I heard that someone read somewhere that the number might possibly have been somewhere around 11

  2. You might ask that question of Palin as she seems to be quite the breeder - how many times did she sneak out and get an abortion rather than to bear another unwanted child?

    But all the time she was preaching her self-righteous religious filth making sure that women had no birth control or family planning information.  

    Well - you brought it up.

  3. what a horrid thing to ask, about anyone!

  4. unknown, maybe you should Google it like McCain's aides did before suggesting Palin.  

  5. Zero. Can you tell me how many abortions Palin SHOULD have had during her career?

  6. This question is offensive as is the first answer. Grow up, please.

  7. probably more than the number of brain cells you have that function properly ... actually I'm kidding about the abortion part, I'm sure Hillary hasn't had any. lol

  8. Well Hillary being a champion of liberated women must have had quite a few

    Isn't that a liberated woman's badge of honor, murdering babies

    And Hillary must have murdered quite a few

    As Hillary says

    She wears her scars proudly

  9. That's between her, her doctors and her God.

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