
Can anybody tell me something that could improve my luck serious question no nasty answers pls?

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Can anybody tell me something that could improve my luck serious question no nasty answers pls?




  1. well if you want better luck in general, try some confidence.  dont say you will try to do something, say that if you dont do it you're gonna kill the next thing that moves.  scream out "IM NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!@!!@!@" and then go do it.  it would also help to evaluate the odds whenever a problem arises.  if you look at the odds of being successful, then weighing them against the possible losses, you run a high chance of being able to do anything.

    now if you mean better luck with the ladies (ignore my name please) try some sarcastic wit.  show off your brain without looking arrogant.  if you dont have a brain try going to the wizard of Oz.

  2. One simple answer. Lots of people say there is no such thing as luck, but any gambler will argue otherwise. Sometimes the cards go in your favor and sometimes they don't.

    However, when you think positive, the cards tend to flow much more in your favor than when you think negative. When the mood changes for the worst at a blackjack table, people start losing, ask anyone who plays blackjack.

    Tips for improved luck:

    Keep a positive outlook. Be happy go lucky and smile.

    Luck helps the odds in your favor, it doesnt make everything go your way. Don't get mad on the few occasions you lose, or you will start the luck going against you with the negative outlook.

  3. God answers my prayers.  When I want better luck, I pray for it!!!

    Good luck and may God bless you.

    P.S.  Sometimes we may make our own luck by getting educated and being prepared.

  4. It's all about karma.  Send out positive energy and be confident in all that you do.  Your "luck" will follow you.

  5. The Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Luck

    1. Follow your instincts, they're there for a reason.

    2. Make your own luck.  Not many people ever got what they wanted by waiting for it to fall in their lap.

    3. Recognize Luck.  If you win $50 at the slot machines, you got lucky, and don't forget that just because you lost $100 at the craps table.

    4. Find the Luck in each day, and use it.  There are plenty of good things that happen to you each day.  If you think of them as a litlle bit of luck, then you might be able to ball them up into one big shot of luck for something important.

    5. If all else fails, read your horoscope, put a pyramid on your head, carry a rabbit's foot, throw salt over your shoulder when you can, and any of a thousand more "Lucky" things. Or you can realize that you make your own luck by putting yourself in the right situations, and making decisions based on your gut feeling.

  6. Crystals have the power to magnify. Find one or buy one, focus good thoughts into it, and then carry it around in your pocket.

  7. All of us have bad luck and good luck. The one who persists through the bad luck - who keeps right on going - is the man who is there when the good luck comes - and is ready to receive it.

    Life is what you make it.

    Someone always has it worst then you just remember.

  8. There is no such thing as "luck"

    persistance and knowledge are the keys, by puttting yourself into situations that you can take FULL advantage of, and having the smarts to use, will give you percieved luck.... take advantage of your strengths,use them to achive and leave out your weeknesses when doing things, bottom line you want to get better, practice!

    ie, buying 100 tickets to a lottery is obviously better than buying one, will you win??? probably not, but if you do its not because of luck, its because you had a better chance by buying 100 vs 1

    same thing if you can't climb...dont go rock climbing!

    if you fall its because you were an idiot, not because of bad luck!

  9. a study on luck reveled that luck is a matter of perception. if one believed that they are "Lucky" then they tend to be more open to opportunities, as they believe that it is their lucky day. And "unlucky" people have a more negative outlook. they never try lotos, or take chances, as they assume they will lose because they are "bad luck". But you never win if you don't play. so, you want to be "Lucky"? then simply believe you are lucky. and if you want to get "Lucky" then there's always drunk chicks in bars just waiting for you. ;)

  10. No such thing as luck, alas. They say "luck favors the prepared", but really what that means is that you ought to prepare yourself and give yourself the skills you need so you can take advantage of any opportunities that might present themselves.

  11. There's no such thing as luck, except as a way of speaking.

    For example, if you play roulette and put $100 on 23, then whether you win or not is a matter of chance.  If 23 does come up, then we say "you were lucky", but there is no physical (or other) reality corresponding to "luck".  And, in particular, there is no way you can improve it.


  12. reverse the field or in simple terms give worship to Murphy's law

    do the opposite

  13. You make your own luck. Expect good things to happen. Be prepared for good things to happen and very important, make a note when good things happen not just take note when bad happens. You will soon see it balances out.

    To find money, someone has to lose it.

    For you to win, someone has to lose, so luck has more to do with math than it does with cosmic kudos.

  14. You already know that one so I won´t suggest it but seriously the best way is to change your attitude. You had better do some self analysis.

  15. Positive thinking.

  16. There is no such thing as luck. you could try cheating

  17. Luck is nothing more than reaping the benefit of being in the right place at the right time.  You can improve your chances of things going your way by relying not on some cosmic force, but on having a positive attitude and being prepared.

    I know a guy who seems very lucky.  h**l, he seems blessed.  Things are always going his way.  The reason for this is because he is intelligent, a hard worker and is always upbeat.

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