
Can anybody tell me validity period of medical certificiate granted for concession to physcically handicapped?

by  |  earlier

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On this certificate it has been mentioned that this is valid for whole life if the person is having permanent disability and is of age of 35 years or above at the time of issue of certificiate but callaus railway officialls at some Rly. stations tell to get it reissued.




  1. if a man is handicapped permanently no need of validity for a medical certificate issued for concessions

  2. i think its for one week:...

  3. immediate or at the most for a period of 1 week

  4. In case u are a permanent disable then the disability certificate is valid through out your life , in case your disability is temporary then you will have to get it renewed .you seek the help of ministry in case the railway person harrase you .In the railway station you can contact the DRM in case of such harrsement seeking for help.

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