
Can anybody tell me why the russians are still in georgia. What measure we gonna take to make them leave?

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If the west dnt do somethin russian is goin to invade former soviet states.

Could they wage war against the US for that matter




  1. This is NOT our fight.  Again, all we can do is to start an international war as large, if not larger, than World War II.  Russia will leave Georgia when they are ready, and not a minute before.  Perhaps they should pull back to Ossetia, which has declared itself an independent nation again, but they won't leave until they are sure that they won't be attacked again by the Georgian army.

  2. The Russian are not going to leave...Not by choice anyway...They want S Ossetia to either become part of Russia or an Independent Country...

  3. They are there to prevent further Georgian Military action on its citizens, much like we did to Hussein and are currently in Iraq - preventing further violence.

    Russia will not wage war on US after invading Georgia in defense of Russian citizens no more then US invading Russia defending Iraqi citizens from Hussein.

  4. This is none of americas business. we have enough sh@t that we got dragged into by the admin running our country. are you stupid enough not to realize that?  

  5. US has nothing to do with that

    We have a handful with Iraq and Afghanistan

    WE barely have enough troops to mobilize them to these two countries, much less we're gonna have enough troops to send them to Georgia!!

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