
Can anybody touch their elbow with their tongue?

by  |  earlier

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bet you just tried too, LMAO.




  1. No I can't.

    I just tried ha ha.

    I don't even think it is possible, unless you are double jointed in your elbow so it can twist left by your head.

  2. No - impossible

  3. No, and yea I just tried.

  4. Here we all are, heatedly discussing the the basics of life itself, with topics like creationism and evolutionism, and you come up with this silly question about l*****g your elbow???

    Anyway, WHICH elbow do you mean?

    You forget, most of us have TWO elbows!!

    If you can't ask a precise question, you can't expect a precise answer, can you????

    I'm jesting, because you made me nearly break my neck!!


  5. Aaaargh! Success but at the cost of a dislocated shoulder... well done the most painful question I've answered yet!

  6. LOL I did, but I had to turn my head and just about pull my shoulder out of joint.

  7. Yes I tried.  Hehe!

  8. no

  9. that is funny the other night we was talking about that and we can't do it

  10. I can't but I know a really flexible person who can.

  11. I can't lol

  12. yep, but you didnt specify what part of my elbow...

  13. Can you? if you can then you have got a very big tongue.

  14. 1 word... ouch

    2 words... i can't

    3 words... i did try


  15. Just about - I have a long tongue.

    I think in Russian the phrase "kissing your elbow" is meant to say something is impossible.

  16. The next time we have people over and are drinking, we'll dare them to do this, and lmao when they keep trying and get pissed.

  17. Don't think it's possible but why would anyone want to do that

  18. I can do it.

    but it leaves me with a painfull neck;

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