
Can anybody write an article?

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I am a handicapped and unemployed person. I am dependent on my retired parents. I have frustrated on getting the right answer to my question.I want to earn from home by writing articles for my blog. I don't have any knowledge and experience in any topics. I am 34 years old. I want to know, can anybody write an article whatever the situation?




  1. I don't think this is the career for you. You are not even able to manage writing a coherent question -- much less an entire article!

    There are many ways a handicapped person can get help getting jobs and an education! I'm sure there are places right in your community that can help you. If nothing else, go to an on-line college and get a degree!


  2. Yes?

    Although you provide information on your situation, the subject of the question still seems a little vague to me.  But surely the real issue is whether you, personally, can make money that way.

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