
Can anyon tell me if i need a food dehydrator in order to be sucesful on a raw food diet?

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Im looking to start transitioning into a raw food diet but im not sure that i can without a dehydrator. If anyone has a book recomendation i woul also appriciat that. Thank you




  1. If you do decide to get a dehydrator, make sure that it doesn't heat up the drying food. I bought one that I found got it up to 145°F - way too hot for raw food.

  2. I started my RAW diet with out a dehydrator 1 year ago. I eat mostly FRESH.

    Great simple (No fancy tools or kitchen gagets) Uncook Book.

    Raw Food Made Easy by Jennifer Cornbleet.

  3. These are a great sites with forums, recipes, lots of info on raw foods and links.

  4. No, you don't have to have a dehydrator.  Lots of foods tastes good, raw; such as carrots, lettuce, cabbage leaves, radishes, tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce; fruits; the list goes on; try some; a little at a time, & keep a record of the ones you like; raw turnips are tasty, too.

  5. You don’t need a dehydrator to be successful on raw food but I think it helps.

    If you are very strong willed, determined and 100% committed to raw, you really don’t need one but very few people have such strong willpower.  

    Most people I have spoken to, have said that they found it very useful in the transitioning period but as they got more into raw, they tended to use it less.

    Other people have said that without their dehydrator, they would not have been able to remain raw focused throughout winter.

    The Excalibur brand is meant to be excellent.

    The book “Living on Live Food” by Alissa Cohen is meant to have some excellent dehydrator recipes in it.

    I have seen her Living on Live Food DVD which was good but apparently the book has loads of recipes in it.

    The book “Raw Food/Real World -100 Recipes to Get the Glow” by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis is also really good for dehydrator recipes.

    I would highly recommend getting yourself a juicer. The best brands are:

    Green Power Greenstar 2000 Twin Gear Juicer.

    Oscar Vital Max 900 Juicer.

    Champion Juicer.

    Vegetable juicing is a fantastic transitioning tool.


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