
Can anyone HELP me... Please...

by Guest34116  |  earlier

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Tree days ago I had a urine pregnancy test and It came out . But Yesterday I start having a brown color every time I pee "like spotting".

Today I have another urine test and it was negative I still have the little brown color but not blood. The positive test is getting blurry it was a and now is looking more like a -. Im kind of confused. I haven't go to the Dr. because I don't have medical insurence...

Have anyone had this before? What can it be? Just want to get any answer, experience or counsel you got...




  1. Try planned parenthood. They will be able to test you for free and get you on Medicaid if you are.

  2. I would try another test...the digital kind. A false positive is extremely rare. Spotting is very common in the early stages of pregnancy...good luck.

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