
Can anyone Help me Doing Senteces with this words ? 10 points !!?

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write 7 possible sentences that i can use with each of the following words ,,,, Please try your best . im very Generous , i will give 10points and 5 starst to the best answer

1 sencence per word please .








*I appreciate your answers , please help ,*

Thank you




  1. 1. Florence Nightingale was an altruistic character.

    2. I was ambivalent about whether I should go or not.

    3. The photo frame had an angular design.

    4. That contestant is extremely arrogant.

    5. My brother has a strong aversion to enclosed spaces.

    6. I discerned a change in the atmosphere in the room.

    7. As I walked past him, he looked at me with disdain.  

  2. 1.  Mother Teresa was very altruistic by living in poverty and devoting her life to the welfare of others.

    2.  Watching the Chinese succeed in the Olympics made me feel quite ambivalent in that I am happy to see their country grow, but also want to see the USA continue to be on top.

    3.  The streets of the city were designed in an angular way making it simple for a foreign traveler to get around.

    4.  Terrell Owens consistent end zone celebrations accentuate how arrogant of a person he is.

    5.  After getting food poisoning from eating shellfish, the man developed an aversion for eating crabs.

    6.  The birds amazing colors really allowed me to discern it from the background despite my poor vision.

    7.  Most liberals have developed quite a disdain from the policy moves made by George Bush.

  3. Mother Theresa has been honored for generations for her altruistic ways.

    (altruistic-unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others)

    Mary was a bit ambivalent when asked to help a friend with somthing that she did not agree with.

    (ambivalent-inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things.)

    In history, those that were captives of the Jewish Holocaust were mal nourished and were angular in appearances.

    (Bony, Lean or gaunt)

    The man that I tried  talking to about whats going on in the world was arrogant in saying that only he knew, what was really going on due to his status in political parties.

    (overbearingly assuming)

    My mother has an aversion towards snakes, I cannot even have one in a cage.

    (a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy)

    To discern a political candidate without listening to any of their political speeches and learning what they stand for is a bit arrogant.

    (to distinguish or discriminate)

    During the time of witch hunts in North Berwick, people in the villiages would treat those accused with such disdain that it caused some to try and run from the accusations against them and others to publicly plead for their innocence in order to escape being burned at the stake.

    (to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn)

    I hope this helps. I tried to add some historical accounts in there for you with your sentences, you never know it could give you come extra credit points. :D

    Good luck!

  4. Certain charity workers could be considered very altruistic with regards to the time that they give to others.

    The mother felt very ambivilent..she knew that her son had done wrong but did not want to get him into trouble.

    The mans facial features were very angular.

    The co worker displayed signs of pure arrogance...who was he to assume that his ideas were better.

    I have an aversion to gives me heartburn

    She shows a degree of discern when selecting her outfits

    The shopkeeper eyed the youths with disdain

  5. i can help yu, but yu dont have the definitions 4 them. and i dont want to google and look them up. so can yu pls have the definitions on there?

  6. Altruistic- she was very Altruistic towards others

    Ambivalent - she felt very Ambivalent  when she had to chose between the red dress or the blue dress

    Angular- she realized she looked very Angular this morning,

    Arrogant-she arroganted that she wasnt the one.

    Aversion-she had a strong Aversion towards the others.

    Discern- she discern at all the other childern.

    Disdain- she work with Disdain in her mind but nothing stoped her.

    please give me point i work really hard :)

  7. People call Sarah altruistic when she lets her family watch what the like on television.

    Joseph was very ambivalent when trying to pick a direction at night.

    The NIFT building, being designed from a toy, is very angular.

    After coming in first in the race, Jessica was arrogant and boasting to her teammates.

    William felt much aversion for having to write a six page essay about the meaning of the word 'aversion'. (does this one work lol?)

    Amanda was able to discern a tough math problem with ease.

    Brandon had a great deal of disdain for only being aloud a 9:00 curfew.  

  8. 1. (a)Jace's altruistic tendencies made him an excellent friend and confidant.

    (b)Sally is a very altruistic person.

    2.I am ambivalent about this question.

    3.(a)What is angular measurement?

    (b)What does angular momentum mean?

    4.(a)Who is the most arrogant wrestler?

    (b)Why are some New Yorker's so arrogant?

    5.Is I must often quell my disdain for the high school students trolling for free homework answers on to coffee a symptom of pregnancy?

    6.(a)From looking at your Equifax credit report how can you discern which credit cards will approve you and at what APR and credit limit?

    (b)Because my cousins are fraternal twins, most people can discern them.

    7.I must often quell my disdain for the high school students trolling for free homework answers on

  9. I put others before myself, therefore I am very Altruistic.

    The situation was very Ambivalent.

    The new school had and Angular roof line.

    The man was very arrogant.

    I created an Aversion so I wouldn’t run into the girl that I despised.

    My Discern was that the girl pushed the boy, she didn’t accidentally run into him.

    She held the typewriter in Disdain  having been accustomed to a computer.

  10. this is a very good dictionary:

    I found these examples from that site:

    1.Altruistic :Politicians are not necessarily motivated by pure altruism.

    2.Ambivalent :There was ambivalence among church members about women becoming priests./Many people feel some ambivalence towards television and its effect on our lives.

    3.Angular :an angular face * a tall angular woman * gawky angular movements

    4.Arrogant :an arrogant contempt for the weak

    5.Aversion :He had an aversion to getting up early.

    6.Discern :He discerned a certain coldness in their welcome.

    7.Disdain :Immigrants accept the jobs disdained by the local workforce.

    hope they help

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