
Can anyone ID this plant?

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A friend of mine got one of these from clippings, and I got mine from clipping hers. From about six 'stems' I've now got a very robust plant that's branched out all over the place despite only being in a small container with maybe 3-4 cups of soil. It doesn't seem to need a lot of water or light to do very well, which I like a lot.

The leaves are darker green on top, fairly shiny and 'rubbery', and lighter green underneath. The one thing I don't like about it is that it points the more pleasant looking tops of the leaves towards the window, away from the room.

Every once in a while it makes these really cool, trumpet-shaped flower clusters with reddish 'plumes' coming out the middle. Both parts have little spikes all over them. Not sure when/why it makes them, but these are the 1st two mine's made. If you know how I could encourage it to make more, that'd be great. Thanks for your time!




  1. That is a gesneriad commonly known as "lipstick plant"

    see source for image

  2. A picture would do wonders. From what you are saying it may be a Christmas Cactus.

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