
Can anyone PLS give me encouragement to study.?

by  |  earlier

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My exam will be start tomorrow and i don't have the spirit to study. Whenever i study , i will feel not to study. Thinking about excuses to delay studying time.




  1. you can think of your future in a different way -

    just think what will happen if you DON'T study..... u'll be without good education.... u'll have a job with very less salary and no respect,..... see?? many such things will happen if you don't study.

    but, if you work hard now, rest of your life will go happily..!!

    so, now you have to choose between -

    1) rest now, and work like a donkey for the rest of your life

    2) work hard for some years now, and enjoy a big position and high salary in some good place, for the rest of your life..!!

    i hope you find it easy to choose!!

    all the best!!

  2. hey, leave all your worries outside and just think of your parents who have paid your fees with great difficulty.

  3. Study and aim for a better future! I dunno what to say... Well ,to get yourself to study try to break your mind from your body. Study for the sake of studying. That is how I do it. There is another way ,just force yourself and study a little of something you like then something you don't like, It will be easier that way

  4. it's easy!!!just have fun studying!!u shoud think that studying is not boring,bcoz its good 4 u!!sumtyms when i get bored studying i sing the words with any tone that i like!!but i still remember it,c'mon try it!!

  5. Basically, it's just a matter of sitting down and studying.  Trying alternating studying with another activity...but make sure you study more.  

    Check out this article:

    I think this might help you.

    Best Wishes!

  6. Just think of what your parents' reactions will be when they see that you passed your test and how happy you'd feel after taking the test and feeling confident that you wouldn't fail. Think of it as just another basket to shoot in basketball. Or another goal to kick in soccer. Wouldn't you happy if you got that shot or shot that goal? It would be the same feeling you'll have if you pass that test. So, study and do your best.

    Good Luck!

    -->Hope this helped.  ^^,

  7. I agree with you, any answers would be appreciated. Maybe just tryin to think about the future. Becoming a lawyer for example by passing your exam, or working at K-Mart for the rest of your life if you fail. :S

  8. Just think of studying as one of the every day activity you do.  Tell yourself that its just one of your tasks which have to be done, and that the exam is just part of your task.

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