
Can anyone access this website : HBCSE?

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I am unable to access the website

What could be the cause of this ?

Could anyone help me with this ?

Could anyone go to the website. If you are able to access it, please go to Olympiads < Subjects < Physics < List of Centers < Delhi.

(I am not sure about the links. Please navigate to the List of Centers, Delhi in the Physics Column.)

Please mail me the file as soon as possible.

Thanks a lot.




  1. The firewall on the server has probably blocked people out. I run a website and this happened once where no one could access it at all!! They told me that someone had tried to get into my c-panel with several log in attempts it blocks you and everyone else.  

  2. I can&#039;t access that page either. It times out. Probably maintenance being done. I can&#039;t even bring up the cache page via google.

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