
Can anyone actually explain paranormal activity?

by  |  earlier

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i.e. ghosts, apparitions, disembodied voices, unexplained noises, strange occurences (windows opening/closing on their own), animals reacting to something you cannot see...etc.




  1. many things have been explained, there are many gunuine occurences of supernatural and paranormal phenomena but they can easily be faked, even through video footage for eg like in films or tv shows if you have the right equiptment you can fake it, doors shutting can be due to a window or door left open, same with sudden chills. Animals react to many things, some go beserk if they smell a particular scent or hear a noise which our ears cant for eg dog whistles. besides spirits very rarely can effect physical objects where as poltergeist can, many people think spirits ghosts and poltergeists are the same thing, they aren't. Ghosts are like an imprint left behind, often in loops repeating events leading up to when the person died or may even be free to do other things allthough the spirit or soul as some refer to it may have moved on. Poltergeists are residual energy, energy built up from ghosts and the living and violent events, poltergeist activity usually happens in old houses and often occurs when someone in the house is very angry, emotional, violent or feels pressurised the most common center of a poltergeist haunting is a teenage girl but anyone can be effected, they add to the energy causing outbursts such as objects moving, often after the person at the center will feel drained, hope i've helped to some extent, we can never actually explain the paranormal as many do not believe and most have very different expirences and perspectives on it. I've given you mine in this.

  2. There is a lot of speculation in the believer camp.  Unfortunately, this unsubstantiated speculation is seen as fact by other believers.  The fact is there has never been evidence indicating ghosts or spirits are real.  The only evidence is anecdotal.  As such, if you don't have something you can't study it.  You can attempt to measure an effect, but the phenomenon must first be defined.

    It really comes down to faith.  If you believe in something you don't ask for evidence, you just run with it.

  3. you will never get all the facts  you always learn just a little at a time

  4. If it could be explained in full, it wouldn't be phenomena.

  5. Adding animal reactions left your question wide open to be ripped apart.

    As for the other events, I am curious myself, especially how I witnessed an invisible force somehow physically manipulate the hardwood floor to sound as if a dress shoe were walking / pacing on it, as clear and loud as a real person walking 5 feet in front of me.

  6. I am a very open minded individual that believes in realism. I like to rule out all possibilities before just jumping the gun and saying "yes' this is indeed Paranormal Activity. Now on the same likelihood of actually finding evidence now that is a totally different ballgame.

    I have always been intrigued by the supernatural, unknown, unexplained, etc. I am a skeptic by nature. But, I have started my own Paranormal research group and we conduct investigations. I do have to say it is difficult to rule things out as they are personally happening to you and your co investigators. This is my web address if you would like to check out the pictures and judge for yourself.

    Augusta Ghost Hunters R US   this in ( YAHOO GROUPS)

    See you soon...         Happy Hunting..


  7. There are a number of typical expalnations

    which are based on experence but still are

    just guesses. I do think science is getting

    closer to some hard evidence, but it may

    take another 100 years or so.

    By the way, don't you just love the bark dog

    who has to bellow out "it's bullcrap !" as if

    they really know for sure ? It always make me

    laugh because they're the first to come unglued

    in the event that they encounter something that

    challenges their narrow minded way of thinking.

    And if it's such bullcrap, why are they here wasting

    their time talking about it ?

    People are funny.

  8. In the realm of Science, you can`t explained it, Yet!!

    But maybe sooner that we think, someone will find some route to better understanding It

    I think there are many kinds of Dimensions, in the Universe

    and this World we live in, is in one of them...

    Maybe it has not be the time for this kind of phenomenas

    to discover in the fact of Science

    But even that impediment, many persons seems to

    feel or see things that the great majority think

    they can`t...

    I think is only a matter of time and a matter of

    Maturity of the Mind

    We are now in the

    "Great Opening of the Mind and Consciousness"

  9. Well it's called paranormal because it can't be explained.

  10. Nope,

    becasue if someone explained it, it would become just "Normal."

  11. I can, it's bullcrap. Noises/voices/ghosts can be explained by wild imagination/drugs/todays advanced technology... same goes for windows openin/closing on their own..... in decades that we've had camcorders and c**p around, i'm sure someone would've capture a video or 2 of this stuff... no one did. just a bunch of stupid fake videos.

  12. Combination of multidimensional beings, using 100% of your brain power, overactive pineal gland, quantum physics, something about polarized light only some people see, being "more sensitive" in some regard", string theory, etc.

  13. paranormal activity is simply just ghosts or spirits that are active around you. there is no big detailed explanation for it.

  14. After carefully examining the incident with scientific methods, the next step is to consider spiritual activity.  Things that happens in the spiritual realm that people in this 3 dimensional world don't always see.  So once in a while people come across it and would say--yeeek!

  15. It's like trying to nail Jell-O to a wall.

  16. What makes you think that an animal reacting to something that you cannot see is paranormal?

    Given that animals often have more acute senses than us why would you assume that your dog is growling at a spirit when in fact unbeknown to you he has just smelt a raccoon in your garden?

    Same for all the other stuff too, wouldn't air pressure be a more likely explanation of doors closing than something paranormal?

  17. paranormal activity can be explained but not in a scientist mode                            paranormal it is called that way because it isn't normal you don't see a ghost everyday   paranormal activities are made of ghosts that maybe protect the one/s who loved are can try to freak out the people that stay in a home that was on a cemetery that owned to another people and they can have even fizical atacks   demons can be also dead people that became a demon by its madness crazyness badness   poltergeist it is a kind of spirit that wants to scare people and even to cause them serious pain it is a dangerous spirit        hope this helps!

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