
Can anyone addicted to heroine tell me the reality of what this drug does to you and your life?

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I'm not judging you, its up to you what you do with your life and im no angel but never touched heroine but im writing an essay on drugs for my studies and i want to get to the nitty griity thruth of this drug. i have read up on it and done my reserch but i was just woundering if anyone had anymore on it? thankyou




  1. I've never done heroin, but let me tell you how it has affected my life.

    My area (Wilkes-Barre, PA) for some reason has ALOT of people who do heroin.

    In the last 12 years, I've lost 9 friends to the drug, 3 of those people were close friends.

    I went to high school with a guy who killed himself because he wanted to quit doing heroin, but it was too hard.  So, instead, he killed himself.

    I have a friend, "Shannon" who used to be like a sister to me.  She's 45 years old, and her life has been turned upside down by heroin.  Two of her 3 brothers died from heroin overdoses years ago.  Shannon has 3 children herself, 2 sons and a daughter.  Her oldest son, "Max" has been in jail 3 times for heroin possession.  Her middle child "Tim" was killed in a horrific car accident 2 years ago at age 18, while running from the police.  None of us knew it before hand, but Tim was dealing heroin.  His car hit a concrete barrier at 90mph and burst into flames.  He had to be identified through dental records.  After Tim's death, Shannon was distraught, and did the worst thing a person could possibly do after all this tragedy.  She started using heroin.  She spent all of her savings on drugs, and now she begs and steals from friends for food and drug money.  This is why I avoid her as much as possible.

  2. good celebrity example:

  3. im not being funny, but i would say that this is the last place heroine addicts would visit! try speaking to some homeless people in your area, they are likely to a) know someone addicted to heroine, b) be addicted to it themselves or c) a and b are both applicable to them...

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