
Can anyone admit that the state of blacks in america is 100% blacks and whites problem now?

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We need to step up and take responsibilty for the Hedonism and lack of knowledge self we possess. And whites need to admit that slavery, Jim Crow and the institutions didn't breed or cultivate fair starting grounds that significantly contributed and still contribute to where blacks are today and stop default answering with "oh there just being victims and not pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps" Its both sides fault not just blacks or whites. At the end of the day, I admit, we'll have to transcend the hurdles whether or not whites admit it.




  1. d**n, I wish we could move on.  I have no idea what it is like to be Black, and most of the time I have no idea where most of the White people are coming from either.  To me our (human) sense of fairness and ego do not seem to work out very good historically, no matter the color.  Advantages are sought out and exploited by all and our environments seem to modify those advantages that we seek.  I am more than willing to look, work with, and enjoy every color of man equally.  If they in fact elect to behave as such.

  2. I agree that the problems belong to all of us!!!!!!  Why I should be expected to pay for the "underserved" is a mystery to me.  I did not cause the plight of the black man/woman, cant control it and cant cure it.  I "pulled myself up by the bootstraps", coming from poverty, abuse, neglect...similar conditions to minorities.  I am self supporting today because I worked by a..s off to better my lot in life.  I was just as much a victim. too will transcend the obstacles in your so many other blacks have.

  3. d**n IT-YOU ARE STUPID!!!!!!

    Every culture at one time or another has been forced into slavery, the Irish were some of the most oppressed people EVER in america, Most people no matter how crappy their background have gfrown up to realize life is only as good as you make it. PAY ATTENTION there is a black man running for President-hes so oppressed and a victim of slavery-boohooo.

    It should no longer be a problem, great you have overcome your diversity. Lets quit rehashing this stupid topic, lets stop calling it a problem, it's far time we accept that this is America, not the America of the slave days, not the America of the indian days, it is 2008 in America, weall have equal rights as God intended.........................Not a problem to me!

  4. Stop whining about it man.  Blacks have the "United ***** College Fund", "Black History Month", "Martin Luther King Day", and "Equal Opportunity".  You want more than that?  If a black person less qualified than me applies for the same job- he gets is that fair?

    If we had "white history month" that would be SOOO racist.

    If we had the "united caucasion college fund" it would make every white person a klansman in your eyes.

    Come on man get real, you are creating racial tension where it should not exist.

    You are the racist ones.

  5. Well that would be a start. But I don't think you will get many good or real answers here because people answer honestly (not the racists obviously) and they get branded as racists.

    The truth is, all groups tend to not be able to see past their own oppression. Women see sexism and sexual assault if they have been oppressed, minorities of color see their oppression - racism everywhere, immigrants see bigots and cultural intolerance, g**s see oppression and getting beaten with baseball bats because they are different...etc.... All of this is real, not easy...and not seen as being "as valid" as the suffering of whatever group thinks it has things worse.

    Racism, sexism and bigotry give simple answers to real problems. Blame whomever - it's simple, problem's "their" fault. Works for the white racist and the non-whites who believe in it, just flip the argument.

    Rich white guys have it easy...that's about it really. Everyone has a struggle and the fight is not fair for the majority of us. But everyone needs to acknowledge the others obstacles too. Everyone. Otherwise it just becomes the racial version of " I had to walk 5 miles uphill in a blizzard to get to school..." "You think that's bad, well I had to walk..." Etc...etc...

    Nothing gets done. Differences, intolerance etc...are human and will always exist to a degree. But to get anything done one has to move past it, often eating a lot of sh*t from the powers that be to get ahead. It is how the world works. For everyone.

    I am not racist, I don't like being lumped into a group I am not part of because of the color of my skin.  I come from an immigrant background and obviously never ha any slaves. Yet I am somehow privledged because of my color? Yeah right. Try being a woman. A woman is raped every 2 minutes in America, and about 81% of rape victims are white. Add in all the sexual abuse and physical abuse women suffer, not to mention the fact that we are paid less for the same work as a man. Women are killed every day by their abusers because we are physically weaker.  We walk down the street and get catcalls and we are routinely groped on the trains and buses. I just read recently about a U.S. Marine Corps corporal who raped a female Marine, and then burned her to death. She was pregnant at the time of her death. That happened in January.

    Everyone has it hard - just different reasons. The key is to see all of it. It's like history - it's all intertwined.

    Now watch me get thumbs down for being racist. Good/interesting  question.

    Edit - not at all, I think you are approaching this issue in the only logical and realistic way. Society is composed of everyone = everyone has to fix what's wrong.

  6. Oh, ok.

    So the dumb **** screaming "it's because I'm black" and "***** don't tell me what I gotta learn, I'm a grown *** woman" my senior year of high school.... So it is my fault her dumb *** is working at McDonalds right?

    Congratulations, you win the ignorant question of the day award.

  7. I do agree that there is a problem and it belongs to all of us.

    I also believe that as long as a person, or group of people believe themselves to be disadvantaged they will be. As long as those people believe they are oppressed they will never rise above it.

    It is my hope, some great black leader will come to the front and teach his/her people to shake off the slave mentality that holds the majority of its population in invisible chains.

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