
Can anyone adopt a child?

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Can anyone adopt a child?




  1. yes pretty much, if you have the money.

  2. If by anybody you mean someone who wants to adopt a child, because I don't think people who don't want  to adopt a child want to.  Therefore we can rule them out.

    I think anyone should be able to unless they fall below number  three in my rankings that follow:

    1. an infertile straight couple

    2. an infertile g*y couple, or any g*y couple

    3. anyone with a house, money, and can speak English

    4. a poor person living in their car

    5. anyone convicted of a felony in the last year and a half

    6. People who don't maintain their homes or cut their lawn on a regular basis and let paint peel and lower the general propterty value in the neighborhood, becuase no kid should have to live in that kind of house on his street, where all his neighbors look down on his parents.

    So as you can see from the rankings above, adoption is a very personal matter, we all have our own ideas of who should and shouldn't be able to adopt, but the most important thing is that babies are adopted.

  3. It depends on a lots of aspects. Like are you ready for a child? Because a child is a responsibility for the rest of your life, parents are one full time job. What about your financial and if you would have your own can you still love that child the same as your own. Lots of stuff that you have to consider before u adopt.

  4. No, of course not just anyone. What, you think they let child molesters adopt?

    You have to be old enough (at least 21 in most cases, but sometimes at least 25 or 30). You have to be relatively financially and emotionally stable and healthy. If you are married or in a relationship, that has to be stable. You have to have reasonable living arrangements for a child. You SHOULD know something about taking care of children in general, and adopted children in particular--there is a lot involved. They do a what is called a homestudy of your family/household. A social worker will interview everyone, and come to the house and look things over. Plus there are background checks, financial checks, health exams, etc. Any of these things can turn up something that could disqualify you.

    Depending on what type of adoption, you may have to take several months of classes (for adoption through the public system). And actually everyone should take classes first, just to be a better parent. If you are adopting privately in the USA, you have to write up information about yourself to "sell" how wonderful you are--and it can cost a fair amount of money. If you are adopting internationally it costs a LOT of money ($15K-$40K) and you have to have more extensive background checks, and you really SHOULD educate yourself about race and culture issues, especially if you are of a different race or ethnicity from the child.

    So there's a lot that goes into it, and it is not something to be taken lightly. Any kind of parenting is a huge commitment--and adoptive parenting should be even moreso, because the child has already lost one set of parents and so it is very important that they are adopted into a stable and loving home.

  5. Absolutely not! You have to be fit for it.

  6. No

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