
Can anyone advice me on a suitable chip?

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an anyone advice on a good PROM chip to be used with 8051/2051? or if you know of any other microcontroller better suited for the job. first i want to store around 1000 2 bit binary numbers in the memory chip then, i need the microcontroller to obtain the 2 bit binary numbers, one at a time, and perform logical operations on them, and return back to the first memory location once all the locations are acessed. i have done quite a lot of programming on 8086, but none on 8051. is it possible to address 1000 or more memory locations using 8051/2021? how do i go about it? i mean instructing the microcontroller to acess the memory locations in the PROM?




  1. If you want advice, you're going to have to say what you need to do.

    For example, if you're making a toy for a toy maker that will be stamped out and sold by the tens of millions, then you need to keep your parts price as low as possible.  And, it's worth learning whatever system that turns out to be.

    But if you're only making one, then you should go with what you know, and minimize development time as much as possible.  I've got a dozen 486's in my basement you could have.  I've booted Linux on them, and that comes with all sorts of development tools, some of which you may know.

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