
Can anyone advise how to treat a fungal infection on the lips. GP surgery cant offer me an appointment for

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several days and I'd have to be at imminent death before they allow me an emergency appointment! What's effective and available from the pharmacy?




  1. go to the pharmacy and ask for mouth and throat fungal treatment. You can get it over the counter.

  2. Lots of things you can try,

    1.Garlic applied directly to the infection. Powerful anti-fungal.

    2.Oil of Oregano taken both internally and externally. It is an incredibly potent anti-fungal.

    3.You can try taking yogurt that is unsweetened and applying it directly as well. The beneficial bacteria will help eliminate the infection.

    As well try to cut down on the sugar in your diet or make sure you consume large amounts of fiber whenever you eat foods with sugar. As fluctuating blood sugar levels will bring too much sugar to the infection and feed the fungus causing it to further develop and make it much more difficult to kill. All in all I'd just avoid sugar like the plague.

    As well you can check out my source box and see if the origin of your infection is connected to an underlying Candida issue.

  3. Just ask for mouth and throat fungal treatment, you can get it over the counter

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