
Can anyone advise me?

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can anyone advise me on what to do my daughter has just turnt two and she can already recognise and say any letter of the alphabet in any order she can count to 30 and she can recognise any number up to 12 in any order and a few over 12 ,she can spell and read her own name and she can count backwards from 10 to 1 , she knows all the colours even silver, grey etc! she knows all the shapes even hexagon she can say all the days of the week, what do I do with her as a parent? should I allow her to go to nursery? will this have a negative effect on what she already knows?




  1. without doubt nursary

    our 13 month old goes to creche for a couple of hours a day, just to get him used to other children and being away from us. he is already identifying colours and letters when he isnt running around.

  2. no nursery wont have a negative effect on your bright daughter, nursery's are mainly there so children learn to mix and share and generally get along with other children of the same age

  3. its is fascinating to know that there is another parent who has an exceptionally intelligent two-year old child. i have had the opportunity to be able to place her in a child-care facility that attends to the needs of smart toddlers. the best advice i can share with you is to continue to nurture that desire to learn and be faced with new things. remember that young children are always learning even when we are not teaching them. always show interest in her learning and by far, please find a facility that will help your childs academic achievement.

  4. I believe you, and don't doubt your daughter is exceptionally bright but don't say every 2 year old that is not to your kid standard is slow, you will always encounter people that doubt you but  you are not alone they are kids that are very advance.

    So to your answer, nursery or preschool is a great tool to develop the mind and social skills of children, I have 3 and all of them have benefit enormously from the experience, but in your case it will probably just help from the social aspect since she is well advance for her age(and  on the learning side, she actually could get bored because there won't be any stimulation for her), why don't you call the board of education or look for some kind of school better suited for bright kids, so she could be among her equals and benefit better.

    Good Luck!!!

  5. no child who has just turned two knows that much, shurly thats not possible. I have a boy who is 2 and he can count to five and is just learning colours and my friends babies are the same, im sorry but I find that hard to believe that your child can do all that at the age of two, sorry if I sound rude but thats just my opinion

  6. Nursery school would be fine for your child.  Even if they can't teach your child anything new, the playtime with other children would be socially beneficial.  Just DON'T STOP whatever it is you are doing at home as a parent.  You are your child's first and forever teacher.  You're the best!

  7. What a clever girl !

    Nursery would be great for her, mainly for the social interaction with children her own age. Education isn't all about reading and maths etc. but how we interact and personal skills

    Keep up the good work, wish I had more like her !

  8. Nursery would help her develop social skills and also give her access to a teacher she sounds like she may be gifted good luck

  9. Wow, sounds like shes bright,and how dare you say that an average 2yr old is slow.I think "crazyicklepwincess" hit the nail on the head,i did not smoke during pregnancy but my son was born AUTISTIC perhaps you could ask your child what that means im sure she could tell you!

  10. I would still send her to preschool. When my son was two, he could sing his abc's,count, recognize shapes and colors. Now he's four and is in preschool. It didn't hurt him any.. It is good for them to go to preschool. It gets them ready for big school...

  11. let her go to nursery, this will not have an adverse effect,.  my daughter was the same, and the nursery helps them interact with other children etc and makes them more sociable.

    my daughter loves nursery now and is starting big girl school in the summer and cant wait!
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