
Can anyone advise me what this dream may mean???

by Guest32647  |  earlier

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It was a clear bright day I was standing outside at my brother in laws farm we were both looking up at the sky, the atmosphere seemed to split and peel back and then a piece broke away and fell to the earth, where it fell it started a huge fire I felt frightened as the fire rapidly grew in momentum, but was surprised when people came and put the fire out quickly, my brother inlaw who is a farmer just exclaimed in a disapointed voice, its the summer moon, the winter moon was coming in but the summer moon came instead, then I remember being at school I was studying and I had a book in my hand, and I also remember eating pieces of fruit from a can. I also remember a woman coming to me to get some tablets she had left behind at my house the tablets were for her eyes and on the bottle it appeared to have the name Black.. if any one could help me with this one I would greatly appreciate it , thank you in advance




  1. As I have put together all the possible clues as what this dream might mean, I think I might know what might be happening in this situation. Here's what I analized:

    Your brother might be in danger in where he is living. He might live in a place where dangerous fires may occur. I also think that you might be having some trouble in your life. Any stress going on about relatives? That might be your problem. I'd suggest taking a hot shower before you go to sleep for at least 6 nights. I can assure you that nothing will happen. Dreams usually only last about 7 seconds to 3 minutes. Then again this may be a sign... if some woman named Black had left tablets at your house and that its for your eyes, you be loosing your eyesight because when you loose your eyesight all you see is BLACK.

    Hope this helped! Gee <3

  2. I think  your avatar is hot

  3. The sky is falling theme may suggest some major conflicts in your life at this time.  The huge fire may represent some of the emotions you have felt during these times but it sounds as if you have a good support group and these emotional turmoils do not last long.   The farmer was disappointed that the summer moon came in the summer.  The transition from winter moon to school takes you away from summer and the farm to the school room.  Your eating fruit likely relates to the farm and maybe some oral gratification you received recently maybe in a kiss.   The woman seems to indicate you have some blind spots in your current life situation but you do have the ability (the medication) to correct the blindness.

    Dreams are individual affairs.

  4. Hey there-

    Clear & bright days would be significant of clear thought, resolution, or meditation upon a problem. In your case, it seems like the clear & bright day was actually symbolic of the calm before the storm, so perhaps you need to meditate on some kind of problem which you are currently having.

    The atmosphere splitting & peeling back on itself would be significant of your feeling out of control. Something so crazy happening is symbolic of something in your life shocking you greatly, some kind of unpleasant surprise which causes fear & shakes your foundations.

    The fire & 'Summer' & 'Winter' moons could be a result of the recent wildfire publicity in California. Your brother in law explaining that the fire was a result of the summer & winter moon movement could have been trying to tell you that all things happen in natural course, in natural process, and that whatever it is that is happening in your life that is making you feel so afraid is natural and will eventually go away or improve.

    Studying with a book in your hand means the same thing in the dream world that it means in real life - you are trying to prepare yourself with knowledge, or, you are seeking knowledge. I would say the latter, because your dream doesn't seem to revolve around solutions, but problems which need solutions.

    Fruit represents abundance, prosperity, and new beginnings. Because you were reading a book it makes me think of the 'fruit of knowledge' - perhaps this is a sign that you will get the solution to the answers you seek soon.

    Blindness or trouble seeing in dreams can mean that you the dreamer are not looking at other possibilities or solutions which have been presenting themselves to you. Ask yourself if you are 'turning a blind eye' to anything recently. The answer may be under your nose but you just aren't seeing it.

    Pills usually mean that you will have responsibilities to look after, and indeed here in this dream you did - it was your responsibility whether you liked it or not to give the pills back to the woman. The woman was asking for your help too in locating the pills. Traditionally to give pills to others means that you are going to be criticized or that you have already been criticized by others prior to having the dream.

    The surname of 'Black' on the pill bottle I believe is the same as seeing the color black in your dreams - black is symbolic of mysteries and the negative. Makes sense if you weren't sure if you saw black or not (it was a mystery).

    Hope that helped!

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