
Can anyone analize a dream?

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I have had 2 bad the first my 6 month old son was killed by an arranged man...and he gave my 3 yr old a need and the cut her head off with a machete. the one i had last night ....that i was reading in the paper a girl and her bf and her friend were hanging out at the fountain last night when the bf shot a gun for fun the bullet riceshade off the cement and shot one girl in the head killing anyways it went on to me going to my brothers apt and someone living across the hall and calling me in to see her kittens....i left and went to the fountain...with my friend and her bf...i was looking in the water at all the money...1 loonie impaticular....i heard a gun shot and a bullet bouncing i covered my head....we all decided to leave but they were in a friend said im so glad i didnt get shot! and i said yeah one of us coulda been dead like that girl last night....but she ignored me i stopped and thought omg.... andlooked around....and saw my body laying there




  1. you're insane!

  2.   go onto this website and copy and paste your dream into the box, it will analyze your dream for you :).

  3. Ur having nightmares as u may know you may be very stressed

  4. I did a search of the same thing really but I did end up with one site., and they give u interpretations based on words or things that is present in ur dream.

  5. For starters, I'm no expert on this but who really is ? Do you

    live in a rough part of the country ? ( city area ). You see life

    around you with turmoil and you are protective of your children. You need to plant some flowers and spice up your

    surroundings. Even one indoor plant ( a hearty type that won't die on you like mine do ). Take a visit to a nice place to unwind with your children for a day...

    I'll quote Joe Dirt ( David Spades movie),

    Life a Garden, Dig it....... Hey, watch a funny movie too

    I hope you find peace about you.....(even in this world of turmoil that we live in )...

    Just my view of this...

  6. Probably you're just afraid of losing anyone you cherish and that you also fear of dieing because you don't want that ones you love to be depressed of your death.

    Remember, dreams represent how you were feeling.

  7. darlin you have some major issues to start with...

    you must have watched too much TV and or talked about too much scarry stuff ... then there is the news papers and the news on TV as well.. all of this has played a part in your story line dream and it has caught up with you...

    our dreams are basically us going thru our day in our sleep... if the dream is reacuring then i would say theres a problem... in any case i would  as soon as i woke up started writing down all the details you can remember and then you will have an account of what you drempt about...

    later if you have the dream again you can refer back to what you wrote down and if in deed you had that dream again then you can do what i call damage control... remember key points in the dream (stuff that is dangerous. life threating etc) and when you actually notice it playing out in your daily routine then do something to change it... alter what you drempt about by changing it...

    EG: my reaccuring dream involved a truck (which i didnt have at that point in time) a cliff, and my self and my son.

    soon after i had had the dream X 3 i decided it was a premonition and i needed to change some aspect of it if i ever noticed it playing out in my real life day... so when i purchaced a jeep i asked my then husband if a jeep was concidered a truck and he said yes so i knew i had to do something... we were going to be on our way from flordia to oklahoma and i knew there were going to be cliffs... so i had my daughter ride with me and my son ride with his dad... we arrived safely in oklahoma and i beleive if my son had been in the jeep with me something bad would have happened....

    we have the power to change our future as long as we are alert to all that is going on around us and we pay close attention to detail... i hope this has helped



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