
Can anyone answer a question on their own any more?

by  |  earlier

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I know this is kinda ironic with me asking a question so no smart *** answers. The reason I ask is because I see questions for the dumbest things on here




  1. Can people find answers to their own questions? Sure, and some find the answers by asking about it here. Some questions may seem stupid to us that already know the answers, but to some it's not that obvious. Remember that Y!A has millions of users in all ages and from many different countries, what's obvious to some of us might not be that to others simply because they have never been taught about it.

    The reasons why they ask can be both because they do not know where else to look for answers and because they want the interaction with other persons. It's one thing to look for information by yourself and another to find information through interaction with others. Sometimes it could be that they are more interested in the interaction than the answers.

    Some ask about just about anything simply to see what others will answer as a form of entertainment. People can answer the most varied things on some questions. And the there is of course the trolls that ask  things in the hope of stirring up some heated reactions.

    In general I do take even the dumbest questions seriously and give answers when I can. I'd rather help someone to educate themselves than scare them off from daring to ask again. I'm sure that many trolls have had a laugh at my serious answers but I really don't care.  

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