
Can anyone answer this question I have about the greyhound beheading?

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I've read that experts say that this man was suffering from a psychotic episode. But if that is true why was he carrying a "rambo type knife" as if it is almost a premeditated thing.

I cant imagine why anyone would feeling like carrying around a knife like that unless he got on that bus with the idea to attack someone with it.

He not doubt sat there for awhile with knife on hand not using it, and then at a time he choosed! decided to kill someone....hmmmmmm.....can anyone tell me why this can be called a psychotic episode....seems sort of thought out to me.




  1. The guy could be psychotic and just carry the knife around out of his own demented paranoia; he chose his victim at random, changed seats and then started wailing on the guy who was, by all accounts, very small and light. Even more disturbing than the stabbing was the beheading, his showing the severed head to the police and passengers outside the bus and then, most disturbing of all, he ATE parts of the body right in front of the police. This guy needs to be executed without a trial!

  2. The man should forever be locked away, and never see the light of day for as long as he lives. If he goes to jail, he will most likely  end up like Dahmer did. Good.

  3. He's a "mancharian canadidate"....where's sinatra when we need him

  4. There is little doubt that this was a psychotic episode. That the guy was probably paranoid on top of everything is certainly possible. And just because you are crazy, doesn't mean you have NO ability to plan. If you imagine that psychotics just sit around and drool until they finally act, you are quite wrong. You don't just BECOME psychotic. It builds to a breaking point over time. Most can function at some level, otherwise they wouldn't survive as long as they do.

    And unfortunately, there is nothing to stop a crazy person from carrying around a knife. What he thought he needed it for is anybody's guess. What drives someone who is crazy to finally act depends on their particularly pathology.

    There is just no way of knowing the answers to any of these questions... at least until they do a psychiatric evaluation of they guy... and then release that info... which may or may not happen.

    I don't buy in to "demon possession." That is a pretty medieval interpretation of mental illness. Crazy is crazy. Demons have nothing to do with it.... Sorry.

  5. A psychotic episode can last more than several minutes.  When a person breaks from a psychosis, sometimes they are not even aware of the actions or goings-on that have transpired while in their altered state.  Whether he bought the knife that day or had it for a long time still doesn't belay the fact that he was pretty freakin nuts to commit a crime in that manner.

  6. he was waiting for the drugs to kick in.

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