
Can anyone answer this question about archeology?

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Archaeologist found a object

A smooth wooden artifact was used by ancient Egyptians.It's about the size of a pencil and there is a hole on the top. Can anyone tell me what this is?




  1. It could be a plumb bob, though I believe most plumb bobs were made of stone.

  2. Sounds like a plumb-bob to me.

  3. When, Where & what dimesnions/url? Just the information will be flawed if it's taken out of context.

    Something Wooden & Egyptian, I'd think it was more from a tomb - so that would be needed viable information.

    Something the size of a pencil might be a tool. Artist, Farmer, Surgen or Seamtress is anyone's guess.



  4. It sounds like a needle of some sort.  I don't really know.

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