
Can anyone argue and substantiate that the first segment of the documentary Zeitgeist on religion isn't true?

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I really don't like the idea that Chrisitianity started out of the Zodiac. I don't believe it anyway. I just want evidence to prove the Zeitgeist director is wrong.




  1. You won't get it.

    You obviously consider the possibility that some of it may be true, else why post this question.

  2. The "Mythology of Jesus" theory was an obscure and generally dismissed theory.

    It has gained exposure due to author "Acharya S" and her collaboration with the Zeitgeist filmmaker. (She is also author of the films companion guide)

    Some other views:

    " The idea of Jesus as a myth is rejected by the majority of biblical scholars and historians. In 2004, Richard Burridge and Graham Gould stated that they did not know of any "respectable" scholars that held the view today. Robert E. Van Voorst has stated that biblical scholars and historians regard the thesis as "effectively refuted"."

    "There is no shortage of information which refutes this viewpoint. But this type of conspiracy relies on two elements common to web surfers: First, they're only willing to check facts at the most superficial level, which usually means they'll read a message or watch a clip just once before forming an opinion and moving on. " Ref:

    "...(a) common problem in the film: presenting something in such a shallow manner without further corroboration or scholarly evidence." - Ref:

    For a collection of rebuttals, check out:

    Other links:

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