
Can anyone call an airline and verify someones booking information? ?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone, I'm wondering if someone, say my sister or husband, could call up the airline I'm flying with and verify my flight information without my knowledge?

Could they call up and say, "Hi I'm wanting to know the booking information for my sister (or wife), her name is Soand So and here is her social security number (or passport number). Thanks" and the airline just give it out without question?

Thank you!!




  1. they shouldnt. Even though they have all the info they may need, I think that the airlines do have a privacy policy.

    It varies from airline to airline. Go to the website of the airline that you are flying with and if you can, see if they have a privacy policy on their website.  all airlines have privacy policies, but some dont display it on their websites.

    good luck

  2. absolutely not, unless your sister or hubby works for, say, police or some kind of security authority....

    I don't know what country you're in, but some countries have laws to protect this kind of data, and airline (and staff) could get serious trouble for giving it out

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