
Can anyone come up with a cool slogan...?

by  |  earlier

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For a graduation party with a candy/carnival theme to it? I want something I cute that I can put on the invites and on a banner and a signature keepsake platter. Any suggestions?

Thank you!!




  1. "The Circus is Over" graduation party.

  2. Life is get ready for the ride of your life!!!!!!!

  3. Now on to the sweeter things in life.

    How sweet it is to Graduate!

  4. La Dolce A Vita!  

    It means the Sweet life in Italian

    The past was sweet, but the future is about to be sweeter!

    Here's to the sweet life!

    Welcome to my sweet life!

    My sweet Journey!

    The future is sweet!

    My field of dreams is fun and sweet!

    Sweet things await!!

    Welcome to my Sweet future!

    My future is fun and sweet!

    Come see the sweet things that await!

    School's done, let's have fun!  Meet me where life is sweet!

  5. Thank God I Won't Be A Carnie?

  6. Here's to A Sweet Future ...  On to the SWEET LIFE

  7. Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.

    -Austin Powers

    do it! it will be funny

  8. "Life has been sweet, now it will be even more sweeter"

    Translation: Ok, I think that this means that before you graduated, life was sweet, and now that you have graduated, it will be more swetter because you are finlly done with school, and you move on to your life.

    I dont know if you are the one graduating, or if you are graduating college, or highschool, but I like the slogan myself!

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