
Can anyone come up with a cute saying to put in the bathroom to say "Please put down the seat"?

by  |  earlier

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I have two cats (and no, I am not interested in toilet training them) and they like to play and splash in the toilet if the lid is not down. I would like a cute decorative sign or saying to put up to remind people who visit to please put down the lid. Does anyone know of a place or website that might have something cute already made up?




  1. The link below is for a bathroom etiquette website.  Some stuff is funny.

  2. "Just say no to cats in toilet bowls!" and then in little letters underneath, "Please put the lid down, thank you."

    Or, you could do what I did in my bathroom to help remind (read: trick) my boyfriend into putting the lid back down when he visits my place: I put a decorative basket filled with accent bathroom items on top of the toilet tank. The basket was *just* a bit wider than the toilet tank, which meant the lid couldn't stay up because the basket always knocked it back down. Apparently, this made going to bathroom difficult for the boyfriend, hahaha, but it worked.

  3. And for puting the lid down Iam not sure.

    i got these.

    -Lid down,and your out!(baseball related)

    -Seat the lid down tight,before take off.(airplane related)


    (when people sprinkle on your toilet use this

    -When you sprinkle and you twinkle,Please be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.

  4. U could make a "bathroom rules" sign. Have like a top 5 or 10 rules with things like ...replacing toilet paper roll, washing hands, if you piddle on the seat-please wipe it off, etc...and make #1 in BOLD PRINT to put down the seat to keep kitties out. Check e-bay, a home catagory with household or bathroom signs. I purchased a couple outhouse rules signs there that were very cute for cheap $!!

  5. haha i wish my cats playing in toilet water! lol im sure could just say please put down the lid after use....yahh

  6. cats can't read

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