
Can anyone come up with a good slogan for this?

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can anyone come up with a good slogan for recruitment in war or and antiwar slogan. its got to be catchy and can't be any of these:

"Uncle San Needs You"

"Join the Navy and See the World"

"Make Love not War"

"What if Somebody Made a War and Nobody Came"

please help. thanks




  1. why kill when you can love?

  2. Recruit Recuit Recruit is what we do know are you ready to become a troop?

  3. books not bullets, because terror doesnt sleep

  4. We need fighters!  We need winners!  We need... you!

    Pretty cheesy... And, generally speaking, I'm not pro-war...  But just thought about this...

  5. Start a war and you become as dumb as Warlord Bush

  6. Join the Navy, Save the world

    Peace, Love, Not War

  7. War isnt the answer


  8. "War is only the beginning of love because one side has to be softhearted eventually!"

  9. Here are some good ones I came across:

    "Iran wants nukes?  Let them have 'em!" (only not in the way they want)

    "Freedom isn't free"

    "Peace through superior firepower"

  10. antiwar: Fight for your family without having to kill someone else's family

    War:  To reject the war, is to reject what your ancestors fought so hard for.

  11. War is g*y.

  12. War Sucks!!

    Robert Duffy

  13. Soldier-Made in USA-ingredients: Courage, Hope and Bravery.

  14. join the dark side... we have cookies:)


    but seriously:

    "join the army. you'd look much better in camo then you ever would in a buisness suit."

    its the first thing that popped in my head.

  15. Marines. Enough Said.


    Marines: you can talk, but we blow things up.


    Leaders fight with their team, not from behind a phone. Marines: Where leader's are born.


    Soldier's fight so people like YOU can have freedom's. You call them hero's, they call it doing their job.

  16. How about..."Serve your country, save the world"? (although I do not believe in the war, i do believe in our troops and the sacrifices they make for us.)

  17. War..uhm what the H*ll's it good for?  Absolutely nothing, say IT again!

  18. Make your family proud.

    Represent all U.S. Citizens.

    Get heartfelt thank-you's everywhere you go.

    Serve your country.

    We need you.

    You've never felt pride like this before.

    Earn respect.

  19. AN ARMY OF ONE (big mess)

  20. dont think war. whats the worst that could happen?

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