
Can anyone come up with some unique advertising ideas for a driving instructor business?

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Hi. I am just starting out as a driving instructor and am trying to come up with some unique advertising ideas, as opposed to the usual ones of website and yellow pages.

Many thanks for any of your answers!!




  1. hiya,

    Chris Cardell was really inspiring and motivational for me - when it comes to marketing & advertising he totally thinks outside the box!

    try singing up for his free emails, and the free teleseminars when they come along

    all the best, Rebecca

  2. Hi there.

    if it was me, I would get around my local university and college student unions with attractive rates, also any 6th form colleges handy - give a good price and specialise!

    If you can ID any local groups in need (asylum centres, air bases, handicapped cantres) go for them too.

    Cheers, Steve.

  3. Put a poster up in local shops thats always helps, have your business number on your car and maybe post posters door to door.

  4. Try using an online customer relationship management tool like This is essentially a business search directory which offers social networking functionality. As a business owner you will be able to take control of your business listing and invite your customers to review and recommend you. This helps give potential clients a clearer picture of your business. The more reviews you have, the higher you will be ranked amongst other driving school businesses on BView. It will also enable you to be ranked higher on google.

  5. Try using co branded visiting cards, and flyers. To advertise your business. offer, your complimentary businesses to use co branded business cards, that will enable their customer to know about you. And yes, you bear the cost of that business card.


    Business Promotion experts

  6. A right professional suggestion about marketing idea is next to impossible with details lacking in your question. Therefore, only self-help guidelines can be provided.

    You do the following on your own please:

    + Find out what is unique about your services in comparison with your comptitiors in the geographical area of your business (let's call it 'market')

    + Will that uniqueness appeal the target market? (That is mostly youngsters)

    + Choose a media vehicle (that is, a means of propogation) for your message. It could be flyers, handouts, local radio, or any such medium that you consider being used by your target market.

    + As for pricing, check out what you could offer as standard services & what you can leave optional? This will make you charges affordable to many & would help in keep poring in money into the new business.

    You can contact me for further help thru Y!A, anytime.

  7. Think first of what market you want to tap for your driving school business and how you can reach this market.

    For example, youth.

    To reach them, you can:

    - Have a refer a friend program where they can get 1 free lesson for every referral they bring to you. If instead of 1 you can have the whole group of 10, then so much the better

    - Talk with school officials and explore how you can reach the students -- can you do a talk at school about safe driving and then hand out your cards, or can you post a flier in a bulletin board, or can you advertise in their school paper

    Another market: new immigrants

    The legal immigrants will need a drivers license, and many of them will need lessons. Many of these immigrant communities run community newspapers -- eg Latino news, Filipino news, Korean news, etc. Perhaps you can advertise with these publications

  8. use or figure out a slogan that basically says "Let me teach your teens how to drive so they don't go through your garage door!" or something that appeals to a parent :) The one who is generally paying for it - appeal to the parents :)

  9. Why go for unique ones? Why not just go for ones that work?

    I agree advertising is only partially helpful.

    Have a look at Get Clients Now! It works very well for service businesses and works on the premise that if you do things that work, regularly and often, you WILL get results.

    David Nicoll

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