
Can anyone convert the hexadecimal number <span title=""701c19dedc76cec9776cc675cfcfa61b34e9e1f3"">"701c19dedc76cec9776cc675...</span> to decimal number for me?

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I tried converting the hexadecimal value "701c19dedc76cec9776cc675cfcfa61b34e9e1f... to decimal value without exponential notations.. All the tools that i used failed to give me the right answer... All i got is 6.400336408407097E+47 where i am losing the last 32 digits :( I need all the digits to make out some meaning from the above string... Any idea pls ?




  1. &gt;&gt; I need all the digits to make out some meaning from the above string

    Put some spaces in there, so that the string doesn&#039;t get truncated when we read it.

    EDIT: Thank you.  Yahoo Answers purposesly does with long strings.  It hink it&#039;s in case somebody just tries to post a lot of junk to fill up an entire page.

    You can break this up into 4 groups of 10 digits:

    701c19dedc, 76cec9776c, c675cfcfa6, 1b34e9e1f3

    Call these W, X, Y, and Z.  Then I think the answer is going to be:

    (16^30)dec(W) + (16^20)dec(X) + (16^10)dec(Y) + dec(Z)

  2. You can just use the 8-digit blocks, if you can translate those (and do large integer arithmetic):

    887742963 +16^8*3486492187 +16^16*2003617397 +16^24*3698773705 +16^32*1880889822


    64003364 08407096 78856768 00556096 72075200 56238579

  3. Put it into Excel

    a1=7, a2=0, a3=1, a4=12 (c) a5=1 etc

    then b1=a1, b2=b1*16+a2, b3=b2*16+a3 etc

    Then format the final cell b40 to :custom: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000...


    Sorry, I couldn&#039;t figure it out.

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