I've been very much interested in the existence (or lack thereof) of a deity Up There, and how life…the Earth…the Universe began, starting when I was in elementary school. But I only recently began browsing the topic on the net, and I've found very interesting arguments for both sides. So, I'd like to put out some of those ideas, and a few of my own, to see if they can be successfully countered. I've tried to research as many of these arguments as well as I could, to make sure non of them completely idiotic, but I'm sure some if them will make no sense to at least a few. Anyway, here are my, and others', points, for both sides:
1) Can someone explain how the whole "Shem, Ham, and Japheth=Every ethnicity on Earth, including Oriental, Native American, and, well, the list goes on…"?
On that note: If Noah was a descendant of Adam and Eve, and *everyone* is a descendant of Noah, then...incest?