
Can anyone credibly say Palin was the most qualified Republican for the job? Or even in the top 5?

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Which VP choice shows more concern for the country, which more concern for winning the election?




  1. Obviously not, and nobody is even trying to argue otherwise.  Most of the answers are 'yes she's more qualified than Obama'.  First of all, that's ridiculous.  Secondly, Obama isn't a Republican, so that's shirking the question.

    Palin wasn't even the most qualified woman for the job, let alone the most qualified Republican period.  In fact I'm certain she was the least qualified of all the people McCain vetted.  20 months as governor of a state with the population of Austin Texas does not make anybody qualified to be an old man's heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States.  The Republicans can talk about Obama all they want, but there is no credible argument that Palin is qualified to be VP.

  2. Can anyone say Barry is qualified?  And Biden is a career politician, the exact thing Barry ran against.

  3. Not even Sarah Palin herself could say so one month ago when she told Larry Kudlow she didn't even know what the Vice President job was for.

    Kudlow:  "Is this police flap, state investigation, going to disqualify you from becoming Senator McCain’s vice-presidential candidate?"

    Palin:  "As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does everyday?"

    Date:  August 1, 2008

  4. McCain intends to win the election, no matter what it takes to keep politics as usual where he is more comfortable. Could this be his experience of placing the country first? I think not.

  5. You can if you are kidding yourself.  No major executive experience, no major swing state put into play, no heft on domestic or foreign policy issues.  Yet she is a heartbeat away from the presidency.  Romney, Pawlenty, Ridge, Porter, and if you want women how about Olympia Snowe and Kay Bailey Hutchison?  They were probably to smart to join this train wreck and be the token female.

  6. Yes, Yes, Palin, and Palin

  7. she is the least qualified, more then that she just said "nucular" ...

    de  ja vu?  

  8. Apply your question to the number one position.  Ask if anyone can credibly say Obama was the most qualified Democrat for the job.

    She will destroy Biden in the debates.  She will pull the undecided votes.  She will pull the womans vote.

    This is the most brilliant political move in either party has made in the last twenty years.

    McCain/Palin 08

  9. That's like asking if anyone can credibly say Obama is the most qualified Democrat for president.

    Those who support Obama can speak of Palin's inexperience????



    That's a good one!!

  10. Palin is way more qualified to be vp than obama is to be President.  Looks like Obama chose Biden to cover up his lack of experience. Works both ways lib

  11. Yes she is and in elected office much longer than Obama. McCain '08

  12. To those who say democrats are hypocrits you republicans are the biggest hypocrites of all time. Palin has no experience whether you like to admit this or not yet you guys attack Obama on his lack of experience? I think its time for some people republicans in particular to shut up.

  13. I was hoping McCain would choose her months ago. I didn't think he'd do it.... all is good!

  14. She was the best candidate that owns a v****a, but I'm not sure if that's what you're asking.

  15. she is qualified,more than obama.worried aren't ya/lol,gotta love it!

  16. Yes she is not a Washington insider  Obama claimed he was the Washington Outsider and represented change.

  17. lol,

    the lack of experience that you think she has just proves the point that obama should not win.

  18. Yeah she is qualified on the papers, like probably a thousand other politicians.

    The question is: is she electable? The answer is: NO.

  19. If Palin's the BEST choice for VP, they are screwed.

    She has 18 months "executive" experience in a state with a population and budged smaller than most major cities. WTF?

    (And no... she does NOT have more experience than Obama. Please...)

  20. She has executive experiene.  She's not a Washington insider like Biden.  She's smart,savvy and a fighter.  

  21. If I were McCain and I wanted a woman on the ticket I would have went with Christine Todd Whitman the former two term Governor of NJ and Bush cabinet member. The most qualified, well that is debatable depending on who you ask so  I won't post a list of names here, but suffice to say that it was a bold move, but for the life of me I don't know why he picked her.

  22. I think that McCain just chose Palin for the women vote.  That was the wrong choice in my opinion, but he can sink as low as he wants!  I think that Obama's choice of Biden was strictly on qualifications, while McCain's choice was about getting votes because of his worries.

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