
Can anyone defeat the strength of my total destruction deck?!? in Yu-Gi-Oh!?

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Heh heh heh... I`ll show you a much more stronger deck... this deck is a beatdown deck that is combined with the forces of destruction... THIS IS THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION DECK!!!

Monsters: 20


Reflect Bounder

Gene-Warped Warwolf x3

Slate Warrior x3

Luster Dragon x2

Zaborg the Thunder Monarch x2

Ancient Gear Golem

Cyber Dragon x2

Chainsaw Insect x3

Man-eater Bug x2

Spells: 7

Swords of Revealing Light


Heavy Storm

Nobleman of Crossout

Premature Burial

Lightning Vortex

Smashing Ground

Traps: 13

Dark Bribe x3

Mirror Force

Ultimate Offering

Torrential Tribute

Magic Cylinder

Bottomless Trap Hole x3

Sakuretsu Armor x3

Total: 40 Cards


1. Use Dark Bribe wisely. (Ex. Use Dark Bribe only when your opponent activates a powerful spell of trap card like Heavy Storm.)

2. Only use Sakuretsu Armor and Bottomless Trap Hole for dangerous situations. ( Ex. use bottomless trap hole if your opponent summons his/her key cards.)

3. If you have torrential tribute in your first turn, set that trap card on the field and do not summon any monster until you used that torrential tribute to clear all monsters on the field ( meaning, your opponents monsters.)




  1. theres a huge flaw no dust tornado mst magic jammer or drain cards making it easy for the opponent to take out the spells and traps

  2. yeah all i need to do is get out shining dragon or d hero plasma and ur cards will mean nothing cuz shining dragon is indestructible to any card effect ( i read about him more carefully) and plasma can stop jinzo's ability allowing me to use my traps again but i'll mostly use my dragons going by non-tournament rules cuz my dragon deck is illegal to tournaments cuz i have obelisk and chaos dragon in the deck along with shining and darkness dragon my dragon deck was built for power

  3. use thid side deck for tornamants


    Pulling The Rug x3…………..For Monarch Decks

    My Body As A Shield x3 ……For DAD and other destruction decks

    Dust Tornado x3…………….. For Macro and Burn Decks

    Prohibition x3………………...For Gladiator Beasts or any deck really any deck

    D.D. Crow x3………………...Stop Disc commander, Treeborn and Zombies

  4. i can beat that deck truthfuly the hero decks i make are at the aventege agenst beat-down decks it'de put up a good fight agenst mine thoe but i use more spell cards then any other cards with my heros so jinzo won't work on me, i can make a hero deck beat a cyber dragon deck so you know what i'm saying looks like your deck's a good bite hope we run into each other to duel some time good deck!! :D *gach'a sign*

  5. Hello... this is me, I just like to inform all of you that this deck is for tounament and I don`t use forbidden cards in any of my decks. Thanks for the answers anyway and thanks for the threat that you are giving me. But threats like shining dragon will not work against my deck. You see, before anyone can summon blue-eyes ultimate dragon, I`ll take it out with a bang using my bottomless traphole. If anyone activates a trap card like royal decree, I`ll negate it using my dark bribe. If anyone can help me improve my deck then please help and I hope I can meet one of you guys so that I can duel you guys and show you THE TRUE POWER OF DESTRUCTION !!!! Heh heh heh... sounds like the LIGHT OF DESTRUCTION eh. And one more thing, Yu-Gi-Oh! can be played by both kids and adults so don`t insult this game ok and also I`m only 16 yrs. old you know.

  6. Wow. My warrior deck can top this easilly.

    First and foremost i'll annoy you with two marauding, then i'll pull out my good freinds heavy storm and MST. I might pull out cards like lightning vortex, torential tribute, shrink, etc, to p**s you off. I'll make sure to save my silent swordsman lv 5 for late in the match, and Mist body will help that.

    In short; i'll have you dead in a few rounds.

  7. yeah i hav a deck tat can beat ur deck dad deck

  8. You got a strong deck, but many people could kick your *** in less than 10 rounds

  9. 8/10

  10. Hmm, no monster reborn? almost every deck has that. no mystical space typhoon? No dust tornado? If your opponent activates a killer card like astral barrier and has a monster that negates battle damage, your in big trouble man.

  11. let see... your jinzo will over turn ur traps, ur deck will get screwed over by skill drain, burn, royal decree, jinzo, and some other cards like the monarchs and yubels. also what will save u from DAD other than ur 3 bottlomless, and there are decks like mine that have all kinds of negate traps like magic jamer adn 7 tools of the bandet. also you lack defence, a deck like that will lose all it's power once all the cards in the hand is used up (i have a deck build around field control with counter traps, trap holes, and bottomless) once the cards in hand are all used up, i will most likely lose so draw power is important... a deck like this is very successful but just be careful what u play since a deck like this must be played with extream caution. i don't think i can beat it but i can certenly hurt it quite a lot, how dose DD Dynimite OTK sound to u?

  12. 7/10 not bad

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