
Can anyone edit this?!?

by Guest55878  |  earlier

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can anyone take the black line out of this picture without taking out the rest of Nick's legs?!





  1. I've done tough editing jobs like this one before, but it's not easy because you have challenges to overcome with the tiles, the lack of uncovered stair, etc.  A good cloning tool can fix a lot of that, but you run into problems when you get to the tiles, etc.

    It's not IMPOSSIBLE, but it sure as h**l ain't easy either..... at least not with the methods that I've been using.

  2. lizo,

    I'm not sure if you're trying to be funny or you made a mistake,but that is the worst job of thieving plagiarism I've ever seen.

  3. You can if you get fire works, try to download it

  4. Here's my try at it....

    Edit:  slight change (area of the floor didn't look right to me):

  5. you pretty much cant without another picof the stairwell

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