
Can anyone elaborate on this , someone said that Jesus's teachings were twisted by?

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Saul of Tarsus, and became what we call Christianity today.




  1. Saul is known as Paul.  His letters to various Churches are part of the Bible.  I've not heard of anyone claiming that Paul "twisted" Jesus' teachings.  As an Apostle he went out and spread Christ's teachings and led the Churches that were under his authority.

  2. Saul was the name for the apostle paul before he converted to following Jesus. He wrote many of the new testament books and his teachings along with Jesus' went hand in hand. He learned everything from Jesus and the Holy Spirit

  3. Don't believe every thing you hear like that. Read the KJV Bible and you will not read anything twisted. God bless you.

  4. Saul of Tarsus, better known as St. Paul, was a Pharisee; a leader of the Jewish church, about 50 years after the time of Jesus.

    Many people believe that Paul was actually out to subvert the newly-born Christian religion and snuff it out.

    Others believe he was simply power-hungry and realized that he had influence in the newly created Christian communities.

    There are many things that Paul says that appear to run contrary to what Jesus is said to have taught, especially when it came to women.

    As to 'why', who knows? Only God and Paul know, we certainly don't.

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