
Can anyone else Voluntarily control their pupil size?

by  |  earlier

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Recently I've found that when I concentrate really hard, I can make my pupils expand. It only works for a second, when I stop concentrating they return to their original size. I can't make them contract, though. And making them get bigger has nothing to do with adjusting the lighting. Can anyone else do this???




  1. I WISH!!!!!!


  2. thats really cool. i wish i could do that!!

  3. no way but that is pretty COOL

  4. That's some pretty good muscle control, good job...but it would be more useful to be able to contract them...haha.

  5. no....wierd...and congrats I guess!!!!

  6. yes!  Here's how I do it:

    To make your pupils larger, let your eyes relax and focus on something far away.

    To make them smaller, focus on something close by (like the person you're freaking out).

    If you stand in the mirror and do this you'll see your pupils getting larger and smaller.

  7. i have never heard of some being able to so that it is very unusual.  if it is changing size it should effect the amount of light you see

  8. you're an alien.

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