
Can anyone else crack their teeth ?

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Like you know how you can crack your knuckles & stuff ? Well I can crack my teeth ... lol I probably couldn't explain it in a way that you might understand. Like I basically not grind my teeth, but I just bite down on one tooth & it like cracks on the opposite side ... it's sooo weird right ?




  1. eww thats kinda cool lol i cant do that

  2. It's probably just your jaw popping.  Too much of that, and you can develop TMJ.  You won't like it!!!  Be careful with that!

    Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD, TMJ or TMD), or TMJ syndrome, is an umbrella term covering acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, which connects the lower jaw to the skull. The disorder and resultant dysfunction can result in significant pain and impairment. Because the disorder transcends the boundaries between several health-care disciplines — in particular, dentistry, neurology, physical therapy, and psychology — there are a variety of quite different treatment approaches.

    The temporomandibular joint is susceptible to many of the conditions that affect other joints in the body, including ankylosis, arthritis, trauma, dislocations, developmental anomalies, and neoplasia.

  3. eeew. lol. i cant do that either. thats cool!

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