
Can anyone else feel pain in their dreams?

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just wondering if anyone else can feel pain when they are dreaming......cuz my dad and i are the only ones in my family that can feel pain in our dreams if something happens in the dream that would cause pain in real life. dish out any thoughts you have on this......thanks!




  1. Sure. I mean, the parts of our brain that feels pain and pleasure are very close, and if guy can have wet dreams, (and some women have claimed to have had orgasms in their sleep) and can feel immense physical pleasure in a dream, of course one can feel pain (but not as much, hopefully) in a dream.

  2. Yes. I do. It happened to me a couple of times. Usually it happens to me in nightmares for E.g: When I was being attacked by a lion and it scratched it me I felt a little tingle go past my leg and when I fell down a water fall it felt like I was falling.

    I believe it's just how you're brain works. If you think it's something scary and you think about it a lot then it might usually happen to you. It sounds strange to other people because I know what it feels like.

  3. Absolutely, the more attention you pay to your own dreams, the more vivid and alive they become...

  4. I think this is very strange. I have never felt pain in a dream. I have heard that you cannot intentionally injure someone else in a dream and I've had many dreams where I throw punches, etc. and they never seem to land. I have kicked at someone in a dream and of course missed, but I didn't miss my wife lying next to me... I suppose it's possible. They say your brain turns off your body in a way and that people have woken up and not been able to move for a moment. Maybe your pain centers stay on all night. Hopefully someone else knows for sure.

  5. I have felt pain and pleasure in my dreams.  It doesn't happen very often.

  6. I feel other peoples pain.

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