
Can anyone else remember ?

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Do any of you remember when we had politicians with a hint of moral fiber and honor ? I mean ever since Eisenhower, we have had liars, sexual misconduct, deviants, and incompetents in the White House. What happened to honor ?




  1. There are a lot of those on the record before Eisenhower, plus all the stuff about the more 'virtuous' presidents we're not privied to.

    Likewise, one can have moral fiber and honor without being exceptionally competent.  Jimmy Carter comes to mind.  

  2. Network news ratings happened to elections.  I do remember when politics weren't so televised and the candidates were judged on moral values and honor and it is sad that tv has turned all this into negative campaigns just for ratings.  Really sad.

  3. whoa, what was honorable about slavery, lack of civil rights to woman and other minorities,segregation.  Sorry but our country has always had . liars, sexual misconduct, deviants, and incompetents in the White House, they just covered it up better

  4. Unfortunately, honor and ethics don't get you very far in politics these days--money does.  Lots and lots of money, be it from family fortune or bribes--I mean, campaign contributions from lobbyists.  I would vote for Collin Powell in a heartbeat, though--he seems to have honor and integrity, but, unfortunately, I don't expect him to run.

  5. That is a very good question and i have given you a star


    I can see you are applying this to America, i live in Australia

    and it is entirely the same.  Every time we are given a small

    handful of positives by both parties [major parties] when there

    is an Election.   Everyone knows at least two of those will be

    dragged to the next election , claiming not enough money

    and then dangled like a carrot to a rabbit to see if we buy it

    [ that it will be completed if we vote] along with another handful

    of hopeful perhaps positive jesters.

    For instance in Australia one thing that missed out in both party's

    is .....we now have a National Average largest and will continue to

    do so for a while of Pensioners and retyree's . There is no policy

    in place to say to make public transport free for over 55 's , there

    is no ease of giving your hard earned wealth [if any ] to your

    children or grand children if you want to , withought been taxed

    to huge degree or / and have pension suspention and other

    burdens put on you.  There is just very little thanks for anything

    considering working all your life and paying huge local taxes

    along the way.

    We should have reduced Local gov. Taxes i.e. rates by half for the

    over 55's  and more major changes.  The state of our country now

    over 65% of the new generation cant afford to buy housing , even

    with the little incentives both sides have given.  No help or thought

    has been given to the poor middle income earner wearing the

    brunt of this, constantly putting money in their childrens hands to

    help , and not been able to pay of their own morgage.  

    Or taken on so many more monatry burdens such as in taking

    in Troubled adult children, sometimes along with their families !

    Because of financial hardship !  This should really be an important

    point along with the seniors points i mentioned to help our

    Country off it's knees..

    Also ......Put in a scheme to help all young people, so

    that a percentage of their wage goes automatically to housing when

    they marry and which they cannnot touch (with every job they do).

  6. I don't know.

    When Adams and Jefferson ran against each other they made the same kind of disgusting insinuations about each other. Adams said Jefferson was 'raised by (n word)' Jefferson said Adams wife was easy, lol. The same kind of c**p has been going on forever and won't change as long as we are human.

    They were pretty great presidents though, and were best friends again before they died.

  7. Politics have definately gotten worse. They are in it for life and for the money. They are making Politics a career. We need to bounce the incumbants and get new people in. Senatores and Representatives that is. Look at Kennedy (Ted). Been in too long, drunk, crooked, murderer( remember Joanne Kopecni (spelling), he let her drown)

    Dodd (Connecticut) Been in too long, another career politician, crooked (so was his Poppa who was also in Politics). Gore whos Dad was Gov of Tennessee, Brought up by the same kind  of atmosphere with no regard for anyone but themselves Remember Al invented the Internet. Duh) There is no honor or morals . Its all about Greed and Ego.. Sorry, I rant. It upsets me so. I'm too old for this. lol

  8. There also used to be a time when people could debate the issues without becoming hateful towards each other.  It seems that  manners have sunk to an all-time low...Now it's uncomfortable, even on line, to post a question or opinion for fear of being torn to shreds!

  9. Great question .. it's good to know that others have noticed.

  10. I remember.

    Blame television.  

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