
Can anyone else remember where they where when Diana died?

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i was camping at at a place called cashel campsite up at loch lommond in scotland




  1. NO.

    I remember where I was when people I actually knew died but since her death did not affect me on a personal level, I don't remember where I was at the time.

  2. It was about 2.50am. I was sitting on the floor in front of the television, proof-reading a history book, ready for publication, when the program was int erupted with a news flash, a piece of real live history in the making.

  3. my husband and i were in bed sleeping and the radio alarm went of because he was golfing early that morning and it was playing classical music, and i instantly knew something was wrong when it went quiet and the announcer started to speak,

    this pattern was repeated and we just lay there trying to take it all in.

  4. lying in bed with a hangover

  5. I was with my Parents on vacation in Russia!♥

  6. Helsby.  

    There's only one M in Lomond BTW.

  7. I was staying over at my sister's as I had been babysitting my nephew. My sister woke me first thing in the morning yelling something about the most famous woman in the world being killed in a car accident. "Madonna's dead?!" I replied before she put me right.

  8. I was not aware of it for sometime.

  9. Driving a White Fiat, Heading for Dover...

    nah, seriously, I was in bed.

    (Note: the people who were ultimately responsible for her death were the ones at the end of the chain who bought the published pictures - THEY being: The General Public;  its no wonder that the Diana lovers mourned her loss so much, they killed her with their sick need to see pictures of her)

  10. Like the above, I also was nursing a hangover in bed. My mother woke me up to tell me the news and I was distraught. I couldn't believe she would wake me over something so trivial.

  11. I opened up a hotel restaurant in Edinburgh for the breakfast shift at 6.30am the morning after the accident. I collected the papers from the front desk and took them through to the restaurant. I remember reading that Dodi was dead and Diana was in critical condition in hospital (she didn't die at 3am when the accident happened, she died later that morning in hospital), and I was amazed that they already had the information printed just a few hours after it had happened (I'm always amazed at that!).

    I was surprised that the guests coming down for breakfast didn't seem the slightest bit interested - at that point there was still some talk that she might become queen, or at least queen mother, and nobody seemed bothered.

    When it was reported that she had died, I knew that this would be the big personality for my generation that people would ask about in ten or more years time "do you remember where you were when Diana died?" Just like everyone from the sixties remembers where they were when JFK was shot, everyone from the seventies remembers when Elvis died, eighties is John Lennon, nineties is Diana. Naughties - the twin towers. Every decade in history is defined by just a few moments, each one amazingly poignant and reflective of the times. It's pretty incredible really.

    I'm not a royalist either, but Diana was a figurehead to look up to. She was honest, passionate, thorough, and an wonderful mother. She had huge issues and problems, but who doesn't really? At least she was able to deal with them and be honest about them, I'd prefer that any day over a politician who lies or a sportsperson who hides their drug habit.

  12. i was on holiday  in Key West

  13. yeah i was in prison and i remember that they played music on every radio station the day she passed away god bless her we all miss her.

  14. For your information, since the woman died at about 3am GMT nearly everyone with any brains was in bed - sleeping!.

  15. i was in bed sleeping,was only kid then...

    i remember waking up on sunday morning,all the channels were flooded by footage of PARIS..

  16. Yes. I was nowhere near her when it happened and have a cast iron alibi.

  17. I was making the breakfast and ended up in tears.

  18. Diana... Dead you say?

    Well well well, I had no idea.

    Diana who by the way?

  19. I was up sick in the middle of the night and was channel surfing when I saw it.

  20. last day of holiday in Ibiza. My son came in from a club at 8.30 in the morning and woke us up to tell us. All the foreign people on holiday in the apartments asked us if we were all right, Had to reassure them that we had never met the woman and therefore why would we not be alright. This may be a bit strange to the people out there who worship her as a Saint. Good luck to you but don't expect the rest of us to join in.

  21. I was at home enjoying my first child, a 2 month old baby boy.  I remember seeing so many pictures of her returning home to her sons, with her arms spread out like an angel, just waiting to hold them.  My first reaction was that the palace had something to do with it.  10 years and the ensuing marriage of her ex-husband has convinced me that I am right.  Why would they rob that women of the right to raise her children?  Furthermore how could they rob those boys of their mother?  She was such a shining example of brotherhood and grace under tremendous pressure.  We were all robbed!

  22. i was only like 7 but can rememebr it being on all the tv channels  the next day





    RIGHT OK  


  24. Yeah.  I worked nights, so I was in bed.  My days off had just started, so we had gone to our summer place at the lake.

    My husband woke me up and told me about it.  Needless to say, that was the end of that day's sleep.

  25. OH I wont forget I spent the whole night answering the bloody phone from well meaning p**s up mates telling me she had been in a car crash. unplugged it in the end.

  26. i was in a church at my friends daughters christening.  I didn't know who or what the vicar was talking about.  I thought it must have been a princess Diana from another country.

  27. I was in a hotel in Windsor. We had just been to Legoland.

    Why did I get 2 thumbs down? Can someone explain? I was in a hotel in Windsor when I found out that Diana was dead. How is that contraversial? You weren't even there!

  28. Who cares? She is dead. Just like Mother Therese and Mrs Brown from No 10 who lived her life helping others but did not have the telephone number of the local press to announce her good deeds

  29. I woke up around 3am (usa) time, and, I put the tv on..and, could not believe my eyes..

    good question, in rememberance of a lovely lady.

  30. I was at home (Oklahoma at the time) watching the news. It was like 10 at night and I was just horrified. As the news unfolded it was just horrific to watch. I was Shocked when she died. A neighbor stopped over with a little girl who was about 10. She had never heard of Princess Diana and I was so disgusted with her ignorance it made me really truly mad at her.

    The day of her funeral I left for my honeymoon to Italy. It cast a shadow over a happy time. I truly loved her.

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