
Can anyone else taste the difference between Chef Boyardee Spaghetti in the bigger can compared to the small?

by  |  earlier

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My mom says i'm crazy and thinks there's no difference in the taste, but she doens't eat it soooo yeah lol




  1. i think the same as me the larger cans seem more saucey and runney...but ewww, i don't like either :)

  2. yes the smaller can is definitely better, and also the little cans of speghetti o's and meatballs are soooo much better then the small cans of speghetti abc's and meatballs.

  3. yep dude

  4. Sorry...I agree with your mom.

  5. Yes, the smaller can has an off taste.  Slightly metallic.

  6. They both taste the same in my trash can.  Sealed nice and tight so no one will ever eat them.

  7. no yor not crazy i sgree eith you there is a big difference the small one taste better it has more flavor, and the big one is like watered down, just know your not crazy.

  8. OK, do you mean the bigger can that's like 35 ounces, as in the BIG can that only a few varieties come in, or the regular size 15 ounce or so can compared to the small cans that are like 7 ounces with the plastic lid?

    Anyway, the regular size ones taste good to me, the Spaghetti & Meatballs in the 15 ounce or so can. And so do the really small ones in the 7 ounce or so can with plastic lid. Anyway, I don't know which I like better between those two, but I know that the Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs is my favorite one. I've had the BIG size one before, the 35 ounce or so one I mentioned, and I liked that one too. And I remember it tasting pretty much the same as the 15 ounce or so one.  

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