
Can anyone explain Joy Behar's comment on the View today?

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When they were discussing Sara Palin Joy made the comment "How many black people do you know that eats moose stew" what is that about? Why did she say black people instead of just saying people. Why is she never called on her stupid statements? I don't understand what that comment had to do with the conversation. Can anyone explain it?




  1. I couldn't tell you. I turned the TV off when Sherri said that being in the PTA and the mother of 5 qualified Palin to be VP. That was just too unbelievably stupid.

    I don't always get Joy's sense of humor but maybe she was trying to say that Sarah Palin only appeals to a very narrow and "narrow-minded" group of people. The only thing special about her is that she has different plumbing but she's really only more of the same.

  2. i think it was just her lame attempt at trying to relieve the stressful conversation that was going on.

  3. That woman is disgusting.  She makes comments like that a lot and says she's joking.  I think she's pathetic and sometimes don't watch because of her.  She thinks everything she says is funny.  I hate that woman!  Oh.  Her comment had nothing to do with the conversation.  It was another stab at Sarah Palin because Sarah's a Republican.

  4. There has been some emphasis on Palin's love of hunting and support for the NRA.  I think it was Joy's way of saying that this isn't going to lure away any of Obama's support.

  5. I believe it was because Sara Palin hunts moose or something like that and she eats things like moose stew. So I think she was trying to tie that into Obama and the Black community. Yea she does say some stupid things sometimes. I love Whoopi on the show by the way!

  6. I didn't see it but maybe Joy said that because Gov. Palin is an avid

    hunter and moose meat doesn't appeal to the average citizen? I think

    Joy is going "round the bend." Lately, she has sounded just plain


    I used to like her when she really was funny.

  7. Nothing surprises me anymore about what comes out of that woman's mouth.  People in Alaska eat mooseburgers.  Big deal.  A lot of people in the deep south eat grits.  So what?  Joy should just go away....NOW.  Her comment was just another stupid attack against Gov. Palin.  She hates anyone who's Republican.

  8. I haven't seen the program yet (DVD'd it) but I will go out on a limb here. One of the reasons that Palin was chosen is to lure in some of Hillary and Obama's 36 million supporters whom many are African American.

    Joy's comment was in bad taste that's for sure. There are so many more issues about Palin that she could have referred to and not sounded racist in doing so. From what I have read, Palin lacks experience and credibility.

  9. She simply was pointing out the truth.

    That the Republican Party is a lily-white party.  It does not attract nor does it welcome people of color into it.

    Look at their convention and you'll see what I mean.

    Her statement was not stupid.  It was the truth.

    Even Sarah Palin's son-in-law to be called himself a redneck on his MySpace website.

    So we know what values he'll be instilling in his child, don't we?

  10. Yeah that was kind of a rude statement but its true...we dont eat moose stew

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