
Can anyone explain Nessie for me in Breaking Dawn?

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What does half vampire half human mean?? Can she eat human food? Can she sleep?? Thanks




  1. she can sleep and her heart beats she can also eat but she mostly craves blood

    she also grows toooooooooooooo

  2. She sleeps, she can eat human food, but obviously she prefers blood. She doesn't sparkle either apparently, I don't remember reading that but I think it's true. She has about 4 or 5 years before she stops growing, she will technically be about 17 then.

    Shes just that half-human, half-vampire! Her mom is human, thats one half, her dad is a vampire, the other half, therefore she has characteristics of both. She still has a heartbeat but I wonder if at 17 it will stop beating?

  3. Since Bella was human and Edward was a vampire she would be half human half vampire. Yes, she can eat human food but she prefers human blood. She does sleep very soundly which helps Bella and Edward even though they don't need to sleep.

  4. Yes.

    She can eat. Though she prefers human blood, she can eat animal blood and human FOOD as well.

    She can sleep.

    In about 4 years she will be as matured as a 17 year old - where it is predicted she will stop growing after then.

    Half-human, half-vampire means exactly what it says... Someone who is not JUST human but part vampire as well.

  5. Her mom, Bella, was human and her dad,Edward, is vampire therefore she is half and half. She can eat human food but perfers blood and she does sleep.

  6. She likes blood better than human food but can eat both, and she can sleep. She also has a special skill, which I dont want to spoil.

  7. Renesmee has blood and a fast beating heart, and Alice cannot see her in her visions, like Jacob.  Nessie can survive off of human food or blood, and she is very beautiful and has a gift like vampires do, but she is not venomous.  so yeah.  You should read BD!  Great book though I want more Edward.  Ahhhhh Edward... *drools over keyboard* lol he's so s**y!

  8. Yes she sleeps and she can eat human food she just likes blood better.And it means she is a vamp and a human mixed.

  9. bella was human, edward was a vampire, hence she is half human, half vampire.

    she doesnt sparkle, she shimmers. she can eat human food, but prefers blood. she does sleep. she has that mind power thing. she is stronger and faster than a human, but not as strong/fast as a vampire.

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