
Can anyone explain how ‘green technology’ will replace even one real job?

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that will be lost due to the global warming alarmist?

What do you think the millions of jobs that are to be lost due to insane laws that will push almost all manufacturing jobs out of our nation into China or India, will be replace with? Windmill building and installing?

Is that your real vision everyone building windmills?

Solar is a joke it does not work, You won’t allow nuclear, you want cars to be built that get 40 miles to the gallon, but at the same time the energy it takes to run those factory is produced by the only viable means that exist. Coal. But you want it shut down. So Please, tell us what jobs can we expect to be standing in line for in the next 10 years, that would meet your criteria of ‘saving the freaking world’ while the rest of the world stands back and laughs at our stupidity.




  1. Yea, I'm with beterdanu123 on this one. As the market shifts to more  and more green technologies, the same companies who are creating jobs now will continue to create jobs, just a different type of job.

    A perfect example is Semiens a major electronic manufacturer who is seeing that green tech is selling very well and their profit margin in that area is high, so they are opening new R&D departments to research those green tech ideas. New R&D dept. == more engineering jobs. Funny you mention wind turbines, but thats one of the technologies that they are seeing the most fruit from.

    Solar power is a great source of power and it DOES work. I think you are reading some outdated books or just pulling your info from your own butt. Nanosolar is a company in the US creating alot of jobs and creating thin film solar panels at $0.97 per Watt. That is about 2 times cheaper than Coal, so they are a major player and are currently producing at 1GW per year. Solar does work and it is now cheaper than coal, so the market will naturally drift that way.

    Also I don't see what is wrong with creating a greener nation and trying to "save the world".  Why is curbing pollution such a bad thing?

  2. you are correct to be suspicious of the dems and their liberal tree-hugging compatriots-there are no 'green technology' jobs to be created, the technology for them is not currently available, they exist in a politicians mind only.  Do you trust politicians??

  3. Some people are afraid to take that step into the future and stand stoically by their coal bins. Those people will not go far into the future. Those who join the green trend will find there are already job markets and job fairs held all over the US that offer real green jobs and technology that offers a profit.

  4. Ask the mechanics who repair and convert natural gas-powered cars and trucks. I have 2 cars that run on natural gas (methane), and guess what? A regular mechanic can't fix them. These guys have the insight to move ahead and learn something different, and now they're reaping the reward. My cars are 99% cleaner than any gasoline-powered car in the world, PLUS way, way cheaper to fill up. Don't be afraid of something different, especially if it's better in so many ways!

  5. What's the matter, kid? Daddy lose his job in the buggy-whip factory? You have to move with the times and adjust your training. Do you think that solar panels appear by magic?  Somebody has to manufacture them. Your attitude is not a new one. Google the words "Luddite" and "sabotage" (especially the origin of the last); I think you may find it interesting.

    Solar may not work in some places. Wind power may not work in some places. Tidal and wave power are limited to the shore. Water is limited to the Fall Line for maximum efficiency. However, there are very few places on earth that have no source of efficient energy other than fossil fuels.

  6. Honestly, it appears the green technology people really do not want working people around.  Working people are treated with contempt by the academics, elitists, and environmentalists.

    Warmers seriously believe working people breath out carbon dioxide and are therefor part of the problem.

    They are too foolish to see that when we cannot take care of them anymore they will have to get real jobs that no longer exist.

    That is the normal course of socialism, which is what they want.  Sad really, when history so clearly shows the outcome.

  7. The only reason the world is laughing at our stupidity is because we elected a freking coke head into the oval office.

    To answer your question about jobs, you'd need to understand that if we invest in green technology, we'll need manufacturers, businessmen, engineers, constructers, delivery men, etc.  This would create a ton of jobs.  And as for shipping out to China, that would only be the result if that's what your big businesses wanted.  We would have a lot of jobs right now if it weren't for NAFTA, ever hear of the Rust Belt???

    Besides, businesses go to China to exploit cheap labor.  However, the labor they exploit there tends to be less intellectual than our labor.  You can't build technology if you lack a brain, so they'd really have no choice but to stay here for our intellect (something you clearly lack).

    Finally, windmills have existed for years.  Wat ur thinking of is wind turbines, far more efficient.  And I don't know where you get your facts but, "The energy from sunshine falling on a single acre of land in West Texas is capable of producing the energy equivalent of 800 barrels of oil each year."  And that's from a freakin' Texas website!!!

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