
Can anyone explain me the conflict between Russian and Georgia?

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I read about it and the media are more confusing that anything else.

Why is Russia in Ossetia and why Georgia attacked Ossetia and who is in fault ?

anyone dare trying explain or point me to an article ?




  1. South Ossetia seperated from Georgia because of ethnic and politcal differences.

    Georgia tried many a times to attack South Ossetia and actually commited a genocide of South Ossetians in 1991.

    The United Nations appointed Russia as peacekeepers in South Ossetia. This means that the Russians job was to protect the civilians of South Ossetia, and S.O's territory.

    On August 8th, 2008 at around 2300 Hours Georgian time, the Georgian military rushed into S.O with full military power. Bombing civian areas, launcing artillery, and using ground forces to hold areas. The Russian peacekeepers tried to fend them off but it didn't really work. By the end of the night, 1700 South Ossetians, and 10 Russian PK's were dead. Thousands of South Ossetians were left homeless from Georgian bombs.

    This is what caused the Russians to send more troops through S.O to push the Georgians back.

    The Russians went through S.O and pushed the Georgians back into Georgian territory. The Russians then decided to keep pushing the Georgians back so they could finish this once and for all.

    Georgia is backed by US and Israel, as Israel wants to hold the pipeline in Georgia for use by Israel and the US.

    Hope this helped.

  2. South Ossetia wanted to secede from Georgia.  Georgia got pissed and tried to stop South Ossetia.  Russia went in to fight Georgia so South Ossetia could secede (but they are probably going to absorb it themselves).

  3. all facts in Wikipedia

    but no war - just smile :)

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