
Can anyone explain please I need some answers?

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Can anyone tell me what this means. I was in the kitchen the other day and when I turned around I saw what looked like a very light mist which I thought was smoke coming from the washing machine. I thought the electrics may have gone wrong and thought I would have had to call in there sevice engineer but there was not electrical smell. Then I thought I had accidently put the wrong wash cycle on and put on a boil wash instead of 40 degrees. I checked this and I had not. This mist lasted for about 30 seconds and I stood there and wafted my had thorugh it as if to disperse it and it just did not move. Eventually, it just disappeared. Can anyone explain this to me please




  1. A spirt, would explain it.  Cousin had spirt of yaoung 6 year old boy in her flat she shared the spirt with couple in flat below for 15 years.  Maybe once in every 3 months he would seek attention and move objects around the house.

    He was given his last rights and laid to rest by local minister and he was not seen again.  Cousin used to have a small terrier dog and it was terrified to go into the kitchen of the flat.  Once the spirt pulled at my cousins skirt in front of her 4 kids.

    This is a true story and happened in Drumond Street Edinburgh. 20 years ago.

  2. idea!!

  3. That could be a lot of things, some normal, some paranormal.

    How did you feel emotionally at the time?

    Was there any intuitive feelings that you were being watched?

  4. And your proof for this is what?  Your own mind?

    That is no proof at all.  I bet there was no mist at all, just your mind misperceiving reality.  It happens often, to all of us.

    It's frightening that Yahoo put Paranormal Phenomena in the category of Science and Mathematics.  What on earth is scientific or mathematical about paranormal beliefs???

  5. If your washing machine has a drying function, it is likely that the machine simply vented some water vapor as it was drying the clothing.  This water vapor condensed in the cooler air outside the machine.

    It doesn't have any meaning beyond suggesting that your washing machine is a piece of junk.

    As for the supposed "immobility" of the mist, you simply saw what you wanted to see.  If you move your hand through a Newtonian fluid, the fluid will be displaced.  It cannot be otherwise.

  6. Sounds really interesting. Wish I had an answer as to what it was. Without seeing it, I don't even have a guess. I am sure if it was paranormal activity you will see it again.

  7. how lucky are you............I call it a visitation, someone trying to get in touch..........enjoy and be more receptive ....when they try again.....

  8. probably one of your dogs letting out a sneaky quiet one!!

  9. So umm, what were you thinking about before you turned around?

  10. No idea, but it sure sounds cool though!!!!

    Maybe it was a spirit of sorts, but that is something you have to decide because I didn't witness it myself.  I have seen some strange things though.......

  11. Cooking??

  12. Probably,,,,someone looking after you ,,,,from afar,,,,,,

  13. Was it cold in your kitchen at the time? Because, you know there are lots of conditions where steam and water vapor are produced by cooking or from washing machines that may go unnoticed when the weather is warm and dry. It's very much like when you step outside on a cold morning and can see your own breath.

    It might be good to have someone else take a look at the washer - just in case!

    Merry Christmas

  14. Hi, i remember sometime this year the was a video clip from a CCTV at a garage in America,which also had a blueish tinged mist swirling around then leaving, no i wonder if this and like yours could have been an interaction between chemicals.

  15. OMFG it is the long lost ghost of the washer - only seen at this time of year, looking for an old friend to spend Christmas with.

  16. it might be ghost of someone who used to live in the house you should check with the neighbours who have been living in the street a long time and ask them if anyone has died or if anything has happened

  17. Has anyone in your family die- someone who lived in your house?   It could be a ghost.

  18. NOPE!

  19. Electricity doesn't smell (but the insulation would if heated). If it definitely wasn't an electrical fault then you probably have a ghost in the house. Woooooooo.

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