
Can anyone explain the TX polygomy cult to me?

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I saw a video on Youtube and it is obvious their answers are thought-out and they're brainwashed. I just don't understand?

-Is that they're religion, marrying young (well Mormon)?

- Why do I hear/see of no men on the ranch?

- Do they get married and have s*x and just keep re-producing on the ranch?

-Why do the women sound brain-washed?

- Why is it so big of a deal the children are seperated from their mothers if they're getting abused? Isn't that what should happen.

-Why are they're hundreds of them?

-Who are the women having s*x with?


The whole thing baffles me.

I'm reallly really confused. Can anyone explain in detail?




  1. Hold on before you call someone Brainwashed!!

    you may not be Understanding the Scriptures of the Bible if you don't see that in Jesus time that was the message given.

    Be fruitful and multiply, see their children arn't raised to watch

      mix up your brain TV, their children arn't disrespectful

    know wait until you yourself find out what TRUTH IS

        and you find out that the things you are doing AIN't

                                         NORMAL like not eating from the

        ground from which you were made or even acknowledging the 10 commandments but you work on the Sabbeth day!!

               See Tv will mess a Human Mind up especially if the

                    person don't see this ARTIFICIAL LIFE

                                     being forced apon HUMANS TODAY.

                That's why infant bottles seem normal to those

                                      who were not Breast FED!!

  2. I saw this on the news and thought it's absolutely crazy!

    Yeah I do think they have been brain washed too....idk what else...

  3. The FLDS Church did not start yesterday so any explanation would take more than 2 minutes but here is the Readers Digest version....

    _FLDS founders split from mainstream mormon church about 100 years ago because polygamy (multiple marriage) was to be outlawed

    -founders moved to outskirts of Utah, Arizona started new communities

    -lived virtually undisturbed, continued to intermarry, until about 1953 when the govt raided them (Short Creek) took children away

    -as with now, met with evasive answers, no proof   very bad press, nothing much accomplished except polygamist got smarter and no longer married legally

    -first wife married, successive wives, kids (often 7 -10 per wife) go on welfare  THAT's YOUR DIME UTAH, ARIZONA, COLORADO, TEXAS

    - over last 50 years repeated complaints, reports from women, boys, girls who have left the communities of Hilsdale, Colorado City of abuse but these reports have fallen on deaf ears in Utah.

    -Media coverage has grown in last 4-5 years over increasingly "irrational" behavior by leader Warren Jeffs

    -he had the PUBLIC school closed in the town and ordered all students one objected?

    -all property, businesses and homes are in his names...ALL

    -his financial holdings are in the 100 million range when he was arrested

    -he has recorded tapes that he sends to members preaching about the apocolypse and about just such things as the govt raid......

    -There have been numerous accounts of child marriage and girls having babies but nothing has been done....

    -Most of the town's 12,000 citizens have one of 10 or 11 last names, that is why the DNA evidence will be so interesting...these family trees have very few branches...Some men marry a woman, and her daughters, or a woman and her sisters, 1st cousins, etc....

    If you want further education I suggest

    Under the Banner of Heaven  by Jon Krakauer

    Escape  by Carolyn Jessop

    or the Polygamy page of the Salt Lake Tribune at

    This is not a new subject....It has just been brought to some people attention finally.


  4. Most of your questions can only be truthfully answered by one of the people in this so called "cult".

    Anything else you hear or read is nothing more than high school rumors and gossip.

    What we do know:

    The Government's case is entirely based on ONE UNKNOWN Phone Call.

    We now know that this phone call was not from inside the compound, it was not even made from within the state!

    No ones constitutional rights should be simply over looked, based on nothing more than what an UNKNOWN caller or what the media is saying.

    The Government and some people are supporting this n**i mentality of mass round ups, no matter the cost.

    Our system of law that states: "each person is innocent until proven guilty."

    This applies to everyone in America, no matter how you feel or how emotionally you’re caught up in this.

    If anyone can honestly say they believe that people's rights should be violated on nothing more than one UNKNOWN phone call, than they should join the n**i party.

    Almost every news channel and paper unprofessionally starts by branding these people "polygamists". This is open slander. The state has not charged any of these people with "polygamy", as of this date.

    Where is the proof of legally defined polygamy?

    Who the h**l cares if 3 consenting adults s***w each other to death, polygamy was meant to be enforced on the bases that some Scumbag doesn't go around leading 3 different lives by some how legally, (well illegally), marrying 3 different people, causing no end of h**l.

    If we are going to start hanging everyone that isn't married, but enjoys the company of more than one girl at the same time, shoot me now, because I'm guilty as charged!

    This is America, not n**i Germany!

    The Government must have hard proof, and a simple phone call from some unknown girl should have NEVER been able to cause a Judge to sign an unlimited search and seizure warrant, as well as, kidnap 400+ children from the parents.

    For everyone saying "think about the children", I am. They took these kids from their parents at gun point, what do you think that will do to the "children".

    Do I think these people are normal? No. h**l, in my view these people are complete weirdoes. But this is AMERICA, you have the right to be as strange and as messed-up as you like, so long as it does not harm anyone.

    For argument sake, let’s say the unknown caller was to come forward and make a PROPER police report. She than signs a sworn statement that she was the unknown caller. That she was telling the truth she was married at 16 and raped by this 50yr old man. The police would NOW have something to go on and have the legal responsibility to INVESTIGATE those facts that were alleged by the girl.

    They would have the ability to gather evidence, question witnesses, and then make an informed decision if she was truthful or not. THEN if there was enough evidence they could go forward (this is to protect the victim and the suspect(s))

    The police went from listening to an unknown caller, that could have been some nut job, to arresting and seizing 300+ adults, 400+ children.

    With the millions of dollars now being wasted in this total chaos, the state could have sent in undercover agents, gathers facts and if they found that crimes where being committed they could have arrested the one or the few that were involved.

    Instead they arrest everyone and thing, completely forgetting the destruction they left in their wake... for shame.

  5. These are FLDS people and not Mormons.  

    Most Mormons would agree that this is a screwed up group.  

    Get your facts straight please.

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