
Can anyone explain the meaning of this dream?

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I don't usually remember my dreams or even think I have them! I had one last night which I remembered so I thought I ought to try and find out its meaning:

I was in a garden/ allotment and I went into a garden shed inside it was sort of like a school hall. Inside was a giant butterfly / moth (I think butterfly) it was brown and had grey spots on it. I tried to take a photo of it but it would not settle long enough to allow me to, when it did settle and I tried to press the button on my camera it would not press so I could not take the photo. Then through a crack in the wall a load of smaller butterflies the same as the giant one came in, I think they were the babies of the giant one and followed it everywhere. I did not get the photo in the end, I wasn't scared of the butterflies I was quite happy to be there and felt a bit amazed and excited! That's all I remember! Any genuine ideas I will be interested to know!




  1. Your obviously very happy :)

    You  might be in a stage in life where

    you feel happy and free, or maybe liberated from

    something in the past.

  2. Maybe the garden shed represents a safe place for you (home or school?) Maybe the butterfly that wont get its picture taken means that it is not permanent, but that something good is around you or will happen to you. You tried to take a picture, so you wanted it to last, but the effect may last anyway because the many baby butterflies might mean that whatever it is that is good around you will have a larger impact and will continue to effect you positively. It is a good dream. I feel like you are surrounded by angels.  

  3. When butterflies alight their wings remain open while a moth's wings close.  Likely it was a butterfly.  You seem to make a connection between school hall and inside a garden shed (classroom?).  There is one giant butterfly (teacher?) and many smaller ones (students?) following her.  You follow with your eyes but can not get a photo (remember your lessons?).  Perhaps you are having a little anxiety about the new school year and fear you will not remember your lessons.  Anxiety is normal and up to a point will help you to study hard and succeed.  You are excited, amazed and happy to be there, a positive sign.

    Brief dreams early in the evening often resolve situations of the previous day and late-in-the-morning dreams (that you are more likely to remember) are much longer and deal with longer term issues.  Of course dream interpretation is never certain and would have to consider your personal relationship with the symbols.  For example dreaming of a snake might be frightening, except to someone who keeps snakes, etc.  

  4. i think scary about something in ur real life but u too scrry to face it and this one distrub ur daily activity so that it's become ur nightmare

  5. There is no meaning, it is just a dream that for some reason your subconscious has invented, it is probably the artistic part of the brain working overtime and inventing stories, there is no special meaning, unless you attribute one to it.

  6. so dreaming of butterflies means "Everything related to beauty and grace. They are an indication of prosperity and fair attainments" and dreaming of a camera means "Image of experience. Record. Sometimes a means of distancing". Hope i helped!

  7. Well, rarelly te people dreamt about butterflys, because they means happyness, maby in your dream you had two feelings, one of them is scared oh the momy butterfly and the other felling was happyness because of the beutifull things that the mather natur can do....maby you mst aplic this situation to the human been you must think in a big mother with their kids that you have scare and the same time you admire a lot.....

  8. Yep.

    You're quite, quite mad.

    There is an old song about an elusive butterfly. Here you go:

    Strangely appropriate, eh? ;o)

  9. thats wierd. i have some wierd dreams to but mine are more bloody. usually with peple killing each other and fighting each other and wierd s*x stuff where i usually die right before i wake up. be happy u dont have dreams like that

  10. reflection of mind

  11. Ok wel lthe garden is seen as an image of spiritual harmony is shows that you are happy and content. It perhaps shows your journey of self discovery . The butterflies show freedom and resurection of your soul so perhaps a change is going to happen in your life. Trying to take a photo and not suceeding is often perceived as missing opputunities or trying to grasp something.

    Thats the best i can do


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