
Can anyone explain these quotes...?

by  |  earlier

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- "one who loves you, warns you."

- "a man's ways are good in his own eyes."

- "the one offended never forgets; it is the offender who forgets."

- "one falsehood spoils a thousand truths."

- "he who is being carried does not realize how far the town is."

- "we begin by being foolish and we become wise by experience."

can anyone explain these quotes in your own words? thanks




  1. Someone who cares about you never wants to see you hurt or suffering.

    People are not objective, we tend to excuse or justify our own acts even if they are poor.

    We remember being hurt more readily than having hurt another.

    When we lie we cast doubt on everything we say no matter how often we have told the truth.

    A journey seems longer to someone carrying a heavy load than to someone who is being carried.

    Life's lessons are learned best by experiencing them, so we are lacking knowledge as a youth and gain some as we go through life.

  2. - "one who loves you, warns you."

    >if someone sees trouble coming in the life of someone they care about, they'll want to warn that person because they don't want them hurt

    - "a man's ways are good in his own eyes."

    >everybody thinks their own opinion is the right opinion

    - "the one offended never forgets; it is the offender who forgets."

    >people bear grudges when they're wronged but usually the one who did the damage doesn't even realise

    - "one falsehood spoils a thousand truths."

    >a person may not trust you if they find you've lied - even if it's the only lie you've ever told

    - "he who is being carried does not realize how far the town is."

    >you're getting an easy ride and don't experience the effort put in by the one carrying you

    - "we begin by being foolish and we become wise by experience."

    >you learn through experience

  3. These quotes could mean anything you want them to, but here's my best guess

    - A true friend always tells you to be careful when you make a decision

    - Men may not always say what others want to hear

    - If you offend someone, you might forget who they are or what you said but they will always remember

    - Telling a lie to cover something up never works

    - If others help you your entire life, you wont survive on your own

    - Learing opens many new doors, so dont be stopped by defeat

  4. sure.....i'll do the first two

    -someone who loves you worries about your safety and tries to protect you

    -everything starts off one way and ends another, people believe that they are in the right when they begin something because they justify it with their own principles....therefore it is good, at first....

    good luck =]

  5. " i care, and want you to be okay"

    "you need to take the rafter out of your own eyes"

    "never forget the hurt you felt"

    "one lie can bring about a lot of damage, lies are serious"

    "your not doing the work, so you dont see it"

    "you learn from life"

  6. "one who loves you, warns you."------ If someone who really cares about you sees you heading down a road in life which may lead to trouble they will warn you and give you advice to choose another path

    - "a man's ways are good in his own eyes."----- It means that most people have a hard time seeing the faults in themselves.  Most are quick to judge others but have a hard time seeing the wrong in their own actions

    - "the one offended never forgets; it is the offender who forgets."--------the person who does the offending doesn't feel the pain of being hurt, so they can forget the harm they've done to others quickly.  But being hurt is very memorable.  Imagine if someone threw a banana peel out of their car window and a pedestrian on a bicycle slipped and fell on it.  Even if the car stopped and said sorry the person who fell on the bicycle would remember the experience much more vividly.

    - "one falsehood spoils a thousand truths."----------You can live a truthful life and conduct yourself with upstanding morals your entire life in a certain field.  But if you're found to have done something incredulous even once then people will question your entire carreer, wondering when you had lied or cheated before.  Eg; someone cheating on their spouse...a scientist falsifying the results of an experiment....a politician caught doing something illegal

    - "he who is being carried does not realize how far the town is." ---When something has always been done for you you don't realize how much work it takes to do that.  For example, having everything paid for on your behalf by your parents.  Eating your wifes cooking every night not realizing how much work it takes.  etc

    - "we begin by being foolish and we become wise by experience."------- Being foolish, naive and irresponsible all have consequences.  Once we experience the repurcussions from our foolish actions (hopefully) we don't do it again and become wise enough to act in ways that won't cause us problems in the end.

  7. the one who loves you will make sure your safe... i guess..

    i donno...

    like when someone says your ugly... the person who says it will forget... but the person who it told that will carry that them...

    someone can tell you a billion time your pretty, but if one person has said your not... you will believe the not...

    i donno...

    we start out making mistakes... and realize not to do it...

    sorry... i can only put them in experiences... it hard to actually explain...

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